
3D models of pc components
The advance in telecommunications and computer technology within the last decades is representative for the technological progress of the society. This highly visible progress is strongly driven by the development of new and more powerful electromagnetic devices and electric circuits, whose behavior is abstractly described by Maxwell's Equations (see Moore's Law). Their simulation yields large systems of equations, that are tightly coupled and due to higher integration and increasing frequencies additional multiphysical phenomena must be taken into account.
In those complex applications one faces typically one or several of the following subproblems (for example when modeling a desktop computer)
- electric network simulation (of the main board)
- semiconductor device simulation (quantum effects in the main processor)
- thermal effects (heating of the processor)
- gas dynamics (turbulences due to cooling)
- electromagnetic fields (due to antennas and the power supply).
- 2024
Zaspel, Peter; Günther, Michael
Data-driven identification of port-Hamiltonian DAE systems by Gaussian processes.
Kapllani, Lorenc; Teng, Long
Deep learning algorithms for solving high-dimensional nonlinear backward stochastic differential equations
Discrete and continuous dynamical systems - B, 29 (4) :1695–1729
Herausgeber: AIMS Press5201.
Ackermann, Julia; Jentzen, Arnulf; Kuckuck, Benno; Padgett, Joshua Lee
Deep neural networks with ReLU, leaky ReLU, and softplus activation provably overcome the curse of dimensionality for space-time solutions of semilinear partial differential equations
arXiv:2406.10876 :64 pages
Kossaczká, Tatiana; Jagtap, Ameya D; Ehrhardt, Matthias
Deep smoothness weighted essentially non-oscillatory method for two-dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws: A deep learning approach for learning smoothness indicators
Physics of Fluids, 36 (3)
Herausgeber: AIP Publishing5199.
Kossaczká, Tatiana; Jagtap, Ameya D; Ehrhardt, Matthias
Deep smoothness WENO method for two-dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws: A deep learning approach for learning smoothness indicators
Physics of Fluid, 36 (3) :036603
Herausgeber: AIP Publishing5198.
Kossaczká, Tatiana; Jagtap, Ameya D; Ehrhardt, Matthias
Deep smoothness WENO method for two-dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws: A deep learning approach for learning smoothness indicators
Physics of Fluid, 36 (3) :036603
Herausgeber: AIP Publishing5197.
Stiglmayr, Michael; Uhlemeyer, Svenja; Uhlemeyer, Björn; Zdrallek, Markus
Determining Cost-Efficient Controls of Electrical Energy Storages Using Dynamic Programming
Journal of Mathematics in Industry
Ehrhardt, M.; Kruse, T.; Tordeux, A.
Dynamics of a Stochastic port-{H}amiltonian Self-Driven Agent Model in One Dimension
ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal.
Efficient and Simple Extraction Protocol for Triterpenic Acids from Apples
Journal of Chemical Education, 101 :2087-2093
April 2024
Herausgeber: ACS5194.
Ehrhardt, Matthias; Kozitskiy, Sergey B
A generalization of the split-step Padé method to the case of coupled acoustic modes equation in a 3D waveguide
Journal of Sound and Vibration :118304
Herausgeber: Elsevier5193.
Holzenkamp, Matthias; Lyu, Dongyu; Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich; Zaspel, Peter
Evaluation of uncertainty estimations for Gaussian process regression based machine learning interatomic potentials.
Gaul, Daniela
Exact and Heuristic Methods for Dial-a-Ride Problems
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Lyu, Dongyu; Holzenkamp, Matthias; Vinod, Vivin; Holtkamp, Yannick M.; Maity, Sayan; Salazar, Carlos R.; Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich; Zaspel, Peter
Excitation Energy Transfer between Porphyrin Dyes on a Clay Surface: A study employing Multifidelity Machine Learning.
Kienitz, Jörg
Exciting times are ahead - Gaussian views and yield curve extrapolation
Wilmott, 2024 (134) :46–50
Herausgeber: Wilmott Magazine5189.
[german] Zeller, Diana; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Falschinformationen in Videos? Mit dem Konzept KriViNat die Kompetenz der Informationsbewertung stärken
In Bohrmann-Linde, C.; Gökkus, Y.; Meuter, N.; Zeller, D., Editor, Band Netzwerk Digitalisierter Chemieunterricht. Sammelband NeDiChe-Treff 2022
Seite 9-15
Herausgeber: Chemiedidaktik. Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Bartel, Andreas; Schaller, Manuel
Goal-oriented time adaptivity for port-{H}amiltonian systems
2024- 2023
Haussmann, N.; Stroka, S.; Mazaheri, S.; Clemens, M.
Using Point Clouds for Material Properties Smoothing in Low-Frequency Numerical Dosimetry Simulations
21st Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2024)
Jeju, South Korea
Dezember 20235186.
Kähne, B.; Clemens, M.
A GPU Accelerated Semi-Implicit Method for Large-Scale Nonlinear Eddy-Current Problems Using Adaptive Time Step Control
21st Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2024)
Jeju, South Korea
Dezember 20235185.
Gernandt, Hannes; Hinsen, Dorothea; Cherifi, Karim
The difference between port-Hamiltonian, passive and positive real descriptor systems
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
Dezember 20235184.
Abel, Ulrich; Acu, Ana Maria; Heilmann, Margareta; Raşa, Ioan
Voronovskaja formula for Aldaz–Kounchev–Render operators: uniform convergence
Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 14 (1)
Dezember 2023
ISSN: 1664-235X5183.
Stroka, S.; Kasolis, F.; Haussmann, N.; Clemens, M.
Efficient Low-Frequency Human Exposure Assessment with the Maximum Entropy Snapshot Sampling
21st Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2024)
Jeju, Korea
November 20235182.
Xuan, Mingjun; Fan, Jilin; Khiêm, Vu Ngoc; Zou, Miancheng; Brenske, Kai-Oliver; Mourran, Ahmed; Vinokur, Rostislav; Zheng, Lifei; Itskov, Mikhail; Göstl, Robert; Herrmann, Andreas
Polymer Mechanochemistry in Microbubbles
Advanced Materials, 35 (47) :2305130
November 2023
ISSN: 1521-40955181.
Stroka, S.; Haussmann, N.; Clemens, M.
Efficient Assessment of High-Resolution Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Exposure Scenarios Using Reduced Order Models
15th Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE 2024)
Darmstadt, Germany
November 20235180.
[german] Kiesling, Elisabeth; Kremer, Richard; Pereira Vaz, Nuno; Venzlaff, Julian; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Wege aus der Klimakrise – ein BNE-Schülerlaborangebot mit mehrdimensionalem Zugang
MNU Journal, 76 (06/2023) :464 - 471
November 2023
ISSN: 0025-58665179.
Alameddine, Jean-Marco; Albrecht, Johannes; Dembinski, Hans; Gutjahr, Pascal; Kampert, Karl-Heinz; Rhode, Wolfgang; Sackel, Maximilian; Sandrock, Alexander; Soedingrekso, Jan
Improvements in charged lepton and photon propagation for the software PROPOSAL
November 2023