The advance in telecommunications and computer technology within the last decades is representative for the technological progress of the society. This highly visible progress is strongly driven by the development of new and more powerful electromagnetic devices and electric circuits, whose behavior is abstractly described by Maxwell's Equations (see Moore's Law). Their simulation yields large systems of equations, that are tightly coupled and due to higher integration and increasing frequencies additional multiphysical phenomena must be taken into account.
In those complex applications one faces typically one or several of the following subproblems (for example when modeling a desktop computer)
- electric network simulation (of the main board)
- semiconductor device simulation (quantum effects in the main processor)
- thermal effects (heating of the processor)
- gas dynamics (turbulences due to cooling)
- electromagnetic fields (due to antennas and the power supply).
- 2024
Clemens, Markus; Henkel, Marvin-Lucas; Kasolis, Fotios; Günther, Michael
Structural Aspects of Electromagneto-Quasistatic Field Formulations of Darwin-Type Derived in the Port-Hamiltonian System Framework
Herausgeber: IEEE5290.
Jacob, Birgit; Glück, Jochen; Meyer, Annika; Wyss, Christian; Zwart, Hans
Stability via closure relations with applications to dissipative and port-Hamiltonian systems
J. Evol. Equ., 24 :Paper No. 62
Ackermann, Julia; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Kruse, Thomas; Tordeux, Antoine
Stabilisation of stochastic single-file dynamics using port-Hamiltonian systems
Ackermann, Julia; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Kruse, Thomas; Tordeux, Antoine
Stabilisation of stochastic single-file dynamics using port-Hamiltonian systems
Ackermann, Julia; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Kruse, Thomas; Tordeux, Antoine
Stabilisation of stochastic single-file dynamics using port-Hamiltonian systems
Ackermann, Julia; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Kruse, Thomas; Tordeux, Antoine
Stabilisation of stochastic single-file dynamics using port-Hamiltonian systems
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.17954
Günther, M.; Jacob, Birgit; Totzeck, Claudia
Structure-preserving identification of port-Hamiltonian systems - a sensitivity-based approach
Band 43
Herausgeber: Springer, Cham.
van Beurden, M., Budko, N.V., Ciuprina, G., Schilders, W., Bansal, H., Barbulescu, R. Edition
Günther, Michael; Jacob, Birgit; Totzeck, Claudia
Structure-Preserving Identification of Port-Hamiltonian Systems—A Sensitivity-Based Approach
In van Beurden, Martijn and Budko, Neil V. and Ciuprina, Gabriela and Schilders, Wil and Bansal, Harshit and Barbulescu, Ruxandra, Editor, Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2022ausMathematics in Industry, Seite 167–174
In van Beurden, Martijn and Budko, Neil V. and Ciuprina, Gabriela and Schilders, Wil and Bansal, Harshit and Barbulescu, Ruxandra, Editor
Herausgeber: Springer Cham
Sprachsensibler Chemieunterricht digital umgesetzt - Ein Seminarexkurs im Rahmen des Praxissemesters
Santos, Daniela Scherer; Klamroth, Kathrin; Martins, Pedro; Paquete, Luís
Solving the multiobjective quasi-clique problem
Bartel, A.; Diab, M.; Frommer, A.; G\"unther ; Marheineke, N.
Splitting Techniques for DAEs with port-Hamiltonian Applications
Ghasemzadeh, Mohammadamin; Amirfazli, Alidad
Study of Insect Impact on an Aerodynamic Body Using a Rotary Wing Simulator
Fluids, 9 (1)
ISSN: 2311-55215279.
Bartel, Andreas; Diab, Malak; Frommer, Andreas; Günther, Michael; Marheineke, Nicole
Splitting Techniques for DAEs with port-Hamiltonian Applications
Levron, Yoash; Valadez, Alan; Weiss, George
Testing the Local Stability of a Multi-Machine Power System with Constant Power Loads
September 20245277.
Ehrhardt, Matthias; Kruse, Thomas; Tordeux, Antoine
The collective dynamics of a stochastic port-Hamiltonian self-driven agent model in one dimension
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 58 (2) :515–544
Herausgeber: EDP Sciences5276.
Ehrhardt, Matthias; Kruse, Thomas; Tordeux, Antoine
The collective dynamics of a stochastic port-Hamiltonian self-driven agent model in one dimension
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 58 (2) :515–544
Herausgeber: EDP Sciences5275.
Bartel, Andreas; Diab, Malak; Frommer, Andreas; Günther, Michael; Marheineke, Nicole
Splitting Techniques for DAEs with port-Hamiltonian Applications
Hastir, Anthony; Jacob, Birgit; Zwart, Hans
Spectral analysis of a class of linear hyperbolic partial differential equations
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8 :766-771
Antunes, Carlos Henggeler; Fonseca, Carlos M.; Paquete, Luís; Stiglmayr, Michael
Special issue on exact and approximation methods for mixed-integer multi-objective optimization
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
August 2024
Herausgeber: Springer Science and Business Media LLC
ISSN: 1432-52175272.
Reiter, Kendra; Schmidt, Marie; Stiglmayr, Michael
The Line-Based Dial-a-Ride Problem
In Bouman, Paul C. and Kontogiannis, Spyros C., Editor, 24th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2024)Band123ausOpen Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Seite 14:1—14:20
24th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2024). Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs)
In Bouman, Paul C. and Kontogiannis, Spyros C., Editor
Herausgeber: Schloss Dagstuhl — Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany
Günther, Michael; Jacob, Birgit; Totzeck, Claudia
Structure-Preserving Identification of Port-Hamiltonian Systems—A Sensitivity-Based Approach
In van Beurden, Martijn and Budko, Neil V. and Ciuprina, Gabriela and Schilders, Wil and Bansal, Harshit and Barbulescu, Ruxandra, Editor, Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2022ausMathematics in Industry, Seite 167–174
In van Beurden, Martijn and Budko, Neil V. and Ciuprina, Gabriela and Schilders, Wil and Bansal, Harshit and Barbulescu, Ruxandra, Editor
Herausgeber: Springer Cham
B. Jacob, C. Totzeck
Port-Hamiltonian Structure of Interacting Particle Systems and Its Mean-Field Limit
SIAM Multiscale Modelling & Simulation, 22
Bailo, Rafael; Barbaro, Alethea; Gomes, Susana N.; Riedl, Konstantin; Roith, Tim; Totzeck, Claudia; Vaes, Urbain
CBX: Python and Julia Packages for Consensus-Based Interacting Particle Methods
Journal of Open Source Software, 9 (98) :6611
Herausgeber: The Open Journal5268.
Vinod, Vivin; Zaspel, Peter
Assessing Non-Nested Configurations of Multifidelity Machine Learning for Quantum-Chemical Properties
Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 5 (4) :045005
Abel, Ulrich; Acu, Ana Maria; Heilmann, Margareta; Raşa, Ioan
Asymptotic expansions for variants of the gamma and Post–Widder operators preserving 1 and xj
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 47 (18) :13718-13733