Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)

Multirate Partial Differential Algebraic Equations

In radio frequency (RF) applications, electric circuits produce signals exhibiting fast oscillations, whereas the amplitude and/or frequency change slowly in time. Thus, solving a system of differential algebraic equations (DAEs), which describes the circuit's transient behaviour, becomes inefficient, since the fast rate restricts the step sizes in time. A multivariate model is able to decouple the widely separated time scales of RF signals and provides an alternative approach. Consequently, a system of DAEs changes into a system of multirate partial differential algebraic equations (MPDAEs). The determination of multivariate solutions allows for the exact reconstruction of corresponding time-dependent signals. Hence, an efficient numerical simulation is obtained by exploiting the periodicities in fast time scales. On the one hand, the simulation of enveloppe-modulated signals requires the solution of initial-boundary value problems of the MPDAEs. On the other hand, the simulation of quasiperiodic signals implies multiperiodic boundary conditions only for the MPDAEs. In case of quasiperiodic signals, a method of characteristics solves the multirate model efficiently, since the system of partial differential algebraic equations exhibits a hyperbolic structure.




Glück, Jochen
Evolution equations with eventually positive solutions
Eur. Math. Soc. Mag. (123) :4--11


[english] Hoffmann, Heiko; Tausch, Michael W.
Diversity with Light: Photoreaction Pathways and Products of Butyrophenone
World Journal of Chemical Education, 9 (4) :163-174
November 2021


[english] Kremer, Richard; Tausch, Michael W.
Hydrogen Goes Green - Model Experiments for Artificial Photosynthesis
World Journal of Chemical Education, 9 (4) :111-120
November 2021


[english] Venzlaff, Julian; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Photoreforming of Biomass - Producing Hydrogen from Sugar
World Journal of Chemical Education, 9 (4) :130-135
November 2021


[english] Meuter, Nico; Spinnen, Sebastian; Tausch, Michael W.
Light Makes Smart - Photoactive Molecular Switches for Logic Gates
World Journal of Chemical Education, 9 (4) :96-103
November 2021


[english] Grandrath, Rebecca; Teeuwen, Matthias; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Surveys on the Energy Concept - implications on Curricular Adaptions in Teaching (Light) Energy in the Science Classroom
World Journal of Chemical Education, 9 (4) :121-129
November 2021


He, Siyang; Stratigaki, Maria; Centeno, Silvia P.; Dreuw, Andreas; Göstl, Robert
Tailoring the Properties of Optical Force Probes for Polymer Mechanochemistry
Chemistry – A European Journal, 27 (64) :15889--15897
November 2021
ISSN: 1521-3765


Kremer, Richard; Meuter, Nico; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Mertineit, Ann-Kathrin; Schaper, Klaus; Burdinski, Dirk; Zulauf, Bert; Hackradt, Hans; Knipprath, N.
Collaborative Development of Open Educational Resources for Building Competencies in the Use of Digital Tools in Chemistry
ICERI2021 Proceedings :1111-1118
November 2021
ISSN: 2340-1095

ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6


Shi, Zhiyuan; Song, Qingchuan; Göstl, Robert; Herrmann, Andreas
The Mechanochemical Release of Naphthalimide Fluorophores from β-Carbonate and β-Carbamate Disulfide-Centered Polymers
CCS Chemistry, 3 (11) :2333--2344
August 2021


Rasch, Dustin; Göstl, Robert
Gated Photoreactivity of Pyrene Copolymers in Multiresponsive Cross-Linked starPEG-Hydrogels
ACS Polymers Au, 1 (1) :59--66
August 2021


Huo, Shuaidong; Zhou, Yu; Liao, Zhihuan; Zhao, Pengkun; Zou, Miancheng; Göstl, Robert; Herrmann, Andreas
Reversible regulation of metallo-base-pair interactions for DNA dehybridization by ultrasound
Chemical Communications, 57 (60) :7438--7440
Juli 2021
ISSN: 1364-548X


Zhao, Pengkun; Huo, Shuaidong; Fan, Jilin; Chen, Junlin; Kiessling, Fabian; Boersma, Arnold J.; Göstl, Robert; Herrmann, Andreas
Aktivierung der katalytischen Aktivität von Thrombin für die Bildung von Fibrin durch Ultraschall
Angewandte Chemie, 133 (26) :14829-14836
Juni 2021
ISSN: 1521-3757


Zhao, Pengkun; Huo, Shuaidong; Fan, Jilin; Chen, Junlin; Kiessling, Fabian; Boersma, Arnold J.; Göstl, Robert; Herrmann, Andreas
Activation of the Catalytic Activity of Thrombin for Fibrin Formation by Ultrasound
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60 (26) :14707-14714
Juni 2021
ISSN: 1521-3773


Ma, Chao; Sun, Jing; Li, Bo; Feng, Yang; Sun, Yao; Xiang, Li; Wu, Baiheng; Xiao, Lingling; Liu, Baimei; Petrovskii, Vladislav S.; Liu}, {Bin; Zhang, Jinrui; Wang, Zili; Li, Hongyan; Zhang, Lei; Li, Jingjing; Wang, Fan; Göstl, Robert; Potemkin, Igor I.; Chen, Dong; Zeng, Hongbo; Zhang, Hongjie; Liu, Kai; Herrmann, Andreas
Ultra-strong bio-glue from genetically engineered polypeptides
Nature Communications, 12 :3613
Juni 2021
ISSN: 2041-1723


Baumann, Christoph; Stratigaki, Maria; Centeno, Silvia P.; Göstl, Robert
Mehrfarbige Mechanofluorophore für die quantitative Anzeige kovalenter Bindungsbrüche in Polymeren
Angewandte Chemie, 133 (24) :13398--13404
Juni 2021
ISSN: 1521-3757


Küng, Robin; Pausch, Tobias; Rasch, Dustin; Göstl, Robert; Schmidt, Bernd M.
Mechanochemische Freisetzung nichtkovalent gebundener Gäste aus einem mit Polymerketten dekorierten supramolekularen Käfig
Angewandte Chemie, 133 (24) :13738--13742
Juni 2021
ISSN: 1521-3757


Küng, Robin; Pausch, Tobias; Rasch, Dustin; Göstl, Robert; Schmidt, Bernd M.
Mechanochemical Release of Non-Covalently Bound Guests from a Polymer-Decorated Supramolecular Cage
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60 (24) :13626--13630
Juni 2021
ISSN: 1521-3773


Baumann, Christoph; Stratigaki, Maria; Centeno, Silvia P.; Göstl, Robert
Multicolor Mechanofluorophores for the Quantitative Detection of Covalent Bond Scission in Polymers
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60 (24) :13287--13293
Juni 2021
ISSN: 1521-3773


[german] Grandrath, Rebecca; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Experimentieren mit interaktiven E-Books zu mikrobiellen Brennstoffzellen - Lerneinheiten für die Sekundarstufen I und II
MNU, 74 (3) :235-240
Juni 2021


Zang, M.; Haussmann, N.; Stroka, S.; Mease, R.; Clemens, M.; Burkert, A.; Popp, A.; Schmuelling, B.
Personenschutz bei induktivem Laden von Fahrzeugbatterien -- Ansätze zur praktikablen Echtzeitbestimmung der magneto-quasistatischen Körperexposition
Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, Duisburg, 17.06.2021. Full paper submitted, 2021.
Juni 2021


Tausch, Michael W.; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Nachhaltige Chemie mit Licht - Experimentelle Zugänge in digitalen Medien
CHEMKON, 28 (4) :147--154
Juni 2021


Grandrath, Rebecca
Brennstoffzell-Systeme mit Fokus auf biologischen Brennstoffzellen: Entwicklung und Optimierung von schulgeeigneten Experimenten, Konzepten und Medien. Dissertation.
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Juni 2021


Göstl, Robert
Machen, zerstören, besser machen
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 69 (5) :78--79
Mai 2021
ISSN: 1868-0054


[german] Zeller, Diana; Gökkus, Yasemin; Kremer, Richard; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
H5P-Videos in der chemiedidaktischen Lehre
CHEMKON, 28 (6) :245-248
Mai 2021


[english] Hoffmann, Heiko; Tausch, Michael W.
Intermolecular Photoredox Coupling: Alternative to Norrish Type II Reaction and Yang Cyclization in Ketones with γ-C-Bonds
European Journal of Organic Chemistry
Mai 2021