Computational Magnetics
Many electro-technical devices such as e.g. printed circuit boards, electrical drives and antenna systems can be simulated on the basis of electrical circuits. However, the increasing frequencies and the decreasing size force designers to account for wave propagation effects, eddy-current effects, ferromagnetic saturation and hysteresis. For wave propagation effects and eddy-current effects, the results of stand-alone field simulation can be represented by an order-reduced equivalent model, which is then inserted in the overall circuit model. The representation of field-dependent nonlinearities and hysteresis effects, however, is not straightforward.

2D Simulation of a Transformer
The coupled field and circuit simulation becomes troublesome when a large number of time steps is required. This occurs when e.g. simulating an electrical drive where the machine requires 10 periods of 50 Hz to reach nominal speed whereas the switching of the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors in the frequency converter switches at 20 kHz, necessitating a time steps in the order of a microsecond to be used in the simulation. Since the field model consists typically of a few million degrees of freedom, all those unknowns have to be solved in every time step. Fortunately, the relevant time constants in electrical-energy converter are in the range 50 Hz. Hence the field model does not have to be time-stepped at the same rate as the circuit model, in which fast switches are present. The use of adaptive multirate time-integration schemes can reduce the numerical complexity of the problem substantially.
Research Questions
- Efficiency of the time-integration for field devices in pulsed circuits (multirate, dynamic iteration)
- DAE-index of the coupled system
- Existence and Uniqueness of the solution
- Herbert De Gersem, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Markus Clemens, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
- Sascha Baumanns, Universität zu Köln
Former and ongoing projects
Ehrhardt, Matthias
Positive Schemes for Air Pollution Problems, Optimal Location of Industrial Enterprises and Optimization of their Emissions5377.
Ehrhardt, Matthias; Vázquez, Carlos
Pricing swing options in electricity markets with two stochastic factors: PIDE modeling and numerical solution
3rd International Conference on Computational Finance (ICCF2019), Seite 895376.
Putek, PA; Ter Maten, EJW
Reliability-based Low Torque Ripple Design of Permanent Magnet Machine5375.
Knechtli, F; Striebel, M; Wandelt, M
Symmetric \& Volume Preserving Projection Schemes5374.
Putek, Piotr; Günther, Michael
Topology Optimization and Analysis of a PM synchronous Machine for Electrical Automobiles5373.
Gjonaj, Erion; Bahls, Christian Rüdiger; Bandlow, Bastian; Bartel, Andreas; Baumanns, Sascha; Belzen, F; Benderskaya, Galina; Benner, Peter; Beurden, MC; Blaszczyk, Andreas; others
Feldmann, Uwe, 143 Feng, Lihong, 515 De Gersem, Herbert, 341 Gim, Sebasti{\'a}n, 45, 333
Ehrhardt, Matthias; Günther, Michael
Vorhersage-Modelle am Beispiel des Corona-Virus COVID-195371.
Günther, Michael
Einführung in die Finanzmathematik- 2025
Schweitzer, Marcel
Near instance optimality of the Lanczos method for Stieltjes and related matrix functions
Ehrhardt, Matthias
Ein einfaches Kompartment-Modell zur Beschreibung von Revolutionen am Beispiel des Arabischen Frühlings- 2025
Kiesling, Elisabeth; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Carbon Capture and Storage - Nachweis von adsorbiertem Kohlenstoffdioxid
Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie, 1/25 :Versuchskarteikarte
Clément, François; Doerr, Carola; Klamroth, Kathrin; Paquete, Luís
Constructing Optimal Star Discrepancy Sets
accepted in Proceedings of the AMS
Kunze, Markus; Mui, Jonathan; Ploss, David
Elliptic operators with non-local Wentzell-Robin boundary conditions
Song, Yongcun; Wang, Ziqi; Zuazua, Enrique
FedADMM-InSa: An Inexact and Self-Adaptive ADMM for Federated Learning
Neural Network, 181
Januar 20255364.
Xu, Zhuo; Tucsnak, Marius
Global Exponential Stabilization for a Simplified Fluid-Particle Interaction System
Januar 20255363.
Bartel, Andreas; Schaller, Manuel
Goal-oriented time adaptivity for port-Hamiltonian systems
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 461 :116450
ISSN: 0377-04275362.
Schäfers, Kevin; Finkenrath, Jacob; Günther, Michael; Knechtli, Francesco
Hessian-free force-gradient integrators
Computer Physics Communications, 309 :109478
ISSN: 0010-46555361.
Schäfers, Kevin; Finkenrath, Jacob; Günther, Michael; Knechtli, Francesco
Hessian-free force-gradient integrators
Computer Physics Communications, 309 :109478
ISSN: 0010-46555360.
Schäfers, Kevin; Finkenrath, Jacob; Günther, Michael; Knechtli, Francesco
Hessian-free force-gradient integrators and their application to lattice QCD simulations
PoS, LATTICE2024 :025
Schäfers, Kevin; Finkenrath, Jacob; Günther, Michael; Knechtli, Francesco
Hessian-free force-gradient integrators and their application to lattice QCD simulations
PoS, LATTICE2024 :025
Storch, Sonja; Campagna, Davide; Aydonat, Simay; Göstl, Robert
Mechanochemical generation of nitrogen-centred radicals for the formation of tertiary amines in polymers
RSC Mechanochemistry, 2
Januar 20255357.
Kienitz, J; Moodliyar, L
Gaussian views explained
Wilmott, 2025 (135) :72–77
Herausgeber: Wilmott Magazine5356.
Beck, Christian; Jentzen, Arnulf; Kleinberg, Konrad; Kruse, Thomas
Nonlinear Monte Carlo Methods with Polynomial Runtime for Bellman Equations of Discrete Time High-Dimensional Stochastic Optimal Control Problems
Appl. Math. Optim., 91 (1) :26
[german] Zeller, Diana; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Mack, Nils; Schrader, Claudia
Produktion eigener VR-Lernsettings im Projekt FoPro-VR. Ein interdisziplinärer Lehransatz für die Lehramtsausbildung
In Mrohs, Lorenz; Franz, Julia; Herrmann, Dominik; Lindner, Konstantin; Staake, Thorsten, Editor, Digitales Lehren und Lernen an der Hochschule. Strategien - Bedingungen - Umsetzung
Seite 191-204
Herausgeber: transcript, Bielefeld
191-204ISBN: 9783839471203
Acu, A.M.; Heilmann, Margareta; Raşa, I.
Voronovskaja type results for the Aldaz-Kounchev-Render versions of generalized Baskakov Operators