Coupled DAE Problems
Coupled Problems of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) arise typically from either multiphysical modeling (e.g. in circuit simulation with heating) or from refined modeling, where crucial parts of the original problem are replaced by a better, but computational more expensive model (e.g. circuits refined by field models). Furthermore splitting methods may turn a monolithic DAE problem into coupled subproblems, e.g. because of different time scales (multirate). In any case the DAEs arise from network approaches or space-discretization of PDAEs (Partial Differential Algebraic Equations).
Often the coupled equations have quite different properties, i.e., symmetries, definiteness or time scales. Thus the coupled system must be analyzed (e.g. the index) and tailored methods have to be developed (e.g. dynamic iteration).
- 2023
Bartel, Andreas; Günther, Michael; Jacob, Birgit; Reis, Timo
Operator splitting based dynamic iteration for linear differential-algebraic port-Hamiltonian systems
Numerische Mathematik, 155 (1-2) :1–34
Herausgeber: Springer New York4776.
Bartel, A.; Günther, M.; Jacob, Birgit; Reis, T.
Operator splitting based dynamic iteration for linear differential-algebraic port-Hamiltonian systems
Numer. Math., 155 (1-2) :1-34
Farkas, Bálint; Jacob, Birgit; Reis, Timo; Schmitz, Merlin
Operator splitting based dynamic iteration for linear infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems
Frommer, Andreas; Günther, Michael; Liljegren-Sailer, Björn; Marheineke, Nicole
Operator splitting for port-Hamiltonian systems
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.01766
Frommer, Andreas; Günther, Michael; Liljegren-Sailer, Björn; Marheineke, Nicole
Operator splitting for port-Hamiltonian systems
Bartel, Andreas; Diab, Malak; Frommer, Andreas; Günther, Michael
Operator splitting for semi-explicit differential-algebraic equations and port-Hamiltonian DAEs
Mayotte, Eric William; others
Measurement of the mass composition of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays at the Pierre Auger Observatory
PoS, ICRC2023 :365
Costa, Gustavo Morais Rodrigues; Lobosco, Marcelo; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Reis, Ruy Freitas
Mathematical Analysis and a Nonstandard Scheme for a Model of the Immune Response against COVID-19
Klamroth, Kathrin; Stiglmayr, Michael; Sudhoff, Julia
Ordinal optimization through multi-objective reformulation
European Journal of Operational Research, 311 (2) :427-443
ISSN: 0377-22174768.
[en] Lauer, Patrick; Arnold, Lukas; Brännström, Fabian
Inverse modelling of pyrolization kinetics with ensemble learning methods
Fire Safety Journal
Januar 2023
ISSN: 037971124767.
Relton, Samuel D.; Schweitzer, Marcel
Structured level-2 condition numbers of matrix functions
Stroka, S.; Haussmann, N.; Zang, M.; Schmuelling, B.; Clemens, M.
GPU-Based Near Real-Time Estimation of the Human Body Penetrating Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Using Free-Space Field Measurements
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 59 (5) :1-4
[german] Gökkus, Yasemin; Kremer, Richard; Zeller, Diana; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
H5P angereicherte Videos für den Chemieunterricht und die Lehrkräfteausbildung
In Bohrmann-Linde, C.; Gökkuş, Y.; Kremer, R.; Zeller, D., Editor, Band Netzwerk Digitalisierter Chemieunterricht. Sammelband NeDiChe-Treff 2021
Seite 9-18
Herausgeber: Chemiedidaktik. Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Morejon, Leonel; Kampert, Karl-Heinz
Implementing hadronic interactions in CRPropa to study bursting sources of UHECRs
PoS, ICRC2023 :285
Petrov, Pavel; Matskovskiy, Andrey; Zakharenko, Alena; Zavorokhin, German; Dosso, Stan
Generalized Pekeris-Buldyrev waveguide and its properties
submitted to J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
Juni 20234761.
Jacob, Birgit; Zwart, Hans
Infinite-dimensional linear port-Hamiltonian systems on a one-dimensional spatial domain: An Introduction
Schweitzer, Marcel
Integral representations for higher-order Frechet derivatives of matrix functions: Quadrature algorithms and new results on the level-2 condition number
Linear Algebra Appl., 656 :247-276
Schweitzer, Marcel
Integral representations for higher-order Frechet derivatives of matrix functions: Quadrature algorithms and new results on the level-2 condition number
Linear Algebra Appl., 656 :247-276
Herausgeber: Elsevier4758.
Lars, Thun
Investigation of time constraints for quality prediction in arc welding using deep learning
Costa, Gustavo Morais Rodrigues; Lobosco, Marcelo; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Reis, Ruy Freitas
Mathematical Analysis and a Nonstandard Scheme for a Model of the Immune Response against COVID-19
Abdul Halim, Adila; others
Investigations of a Novel Energy Estimator using Deep Learning for the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
PoS, ICRC2023 :275
Albi, Giacomo; Ferrarese, Federica; Totzeck, Claudia
Kinetic based optimization enhanced by genetic dynamics
[german] Cornelius, Soraya; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Kompetenzförderung durch Erklärvideos in einem Selbstlernbuch zum Einstieg in die Organische Chemie
MNU-Journal, 01.2023 :48-54
ISSN: 0025-58664753.
[german] Zeller, Diana; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Kritischer Umgang mit Videos im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht (KriViNat)
In Wilke, T.; Rubner, I., Editor, Band DiCE-Tagung 2023 - Digitalisation in Chemistry Education
Herausgeber: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Jena