Multirate Partial Differential Algebraic Equations
In radio frequency (RF) applications, electric circuits produce signals exhibiting fast oscillations, whereas the amplitude and/or frequency change slowly in time. Thus, solving a system of differential algebraic equations (DAEs), which describes the circuit's transient behaviour, becomes inefficient, since the fast rate restricts the step sizes in time. A multivariate model is able to decouple the widely separated time scales of RF signals and provides an alternative approach. Consequently, a system of DAEs changes into a system of multirate partial differential algebraic equations (MPDAEs). The determination of multivariate solutions allows for the exact reconstruction of corresponding time-dependent signals. Hence, an efficient numerical simulation is obtained by exploiting the periodicities in fast time scales. On the one hand, the simulation of enveloppe-modulated signals requires the solution of initial-boundary value problems of the MPDAEs. On the other hand, the simulation of quasiperiodic signals implies multiperiodic boundary conditions only for the MPDAEs. In case of quasiperiodic signals, a method of characteristics solves the multirate model efficiently, since the system of partial differential algebraic equations exhibits a hyperbolic structure.
- 2023
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Ehrhardt, Matthias
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Ehrhardt, Matthias
Experimental observation and theoretical analysis of the low-frequency source interferogram and hologram in shallow water
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Metzmacher, Andreas; Burgmann, Sebastian; Janoske, Uwe
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Ehrhardt, Matthias
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Ehrhardt, Matthias
3D Modeling of sound field hologram of moving source in presence of internal waves causing horizontal refraction.
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Klass, Friedemann; Gabbana, Alessandro; Bartel, Andreas
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Fatoorehchi, Hooman; Ehrhardt, Matthias
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Fatoorehchi, Hooman; Ehrhardt, Matthias
A combined method for stability analysis of linear time invariant control systems based on Hermite-Fujiwara matrix and Cholesky decomposition
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Fatoorehchi, Hooman; Ehrhardt, Matthias
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Fatoorehchi, Hooman; Ehrhardt, Matthias
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