Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)


M. Ehrhardt and A. Arnold, "Discrete transparent boundary conditions for wide angle parabolic equations: Fast calculation and approximation", pp. 9--14, 2004.
G. Al{\`\i} and A. Bartel, "A priori estimates for multiphysics models in electric circuit design" in Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002, A. Buikis and R. Ciegis and A. D. Fitt, Eds. Springer, 2004, pp. 167--171.
M. Günther, "Preconditioned splitting in dynamic iteration schemes for coupled dae systems in rc network design" in Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002, 2004, pp. 173--177.
A. Zisowsky, A. Arnold, M. Ehrhardt and T. Koprucki, "Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions for Time-Dependent Systems of Schrödinger Equations", 2004.
B. Simeon, M. Günther and M. Schaub,Einführung in MATLAB, 2004.

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