Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)


A. Bartel and M. G\"unther, "The developments in multirating for coupled systems", Z. f. Angew. Math. u. Mech., vol. 81, no. 3, pp. S739--S742, 2001.
M. Günther, M. Hoschek and P. Rentrop, "Differential-algebraic equations in electric circuit simulation", Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AE\"U), vol. 54, pp. 101--107, 2001.
A. Bartel and M. G\"unther, "Developments in Multirating for Coupled Systems", Z. angew. Math. Mech., vol. 81 Suppl. 3, pp. S739-S742, 2001.
M. G\"unther, P. Rentrop and U. Feldmann, "CHORAL - a one step method as numerical low pass filter in electrical network analysis" in Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop, 20-23 August 2000, Warnem\"unde, Germany, {van Rienen}, U. and G\"unther, M. and Hecht, D., Eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001, pp. 199--215.
M. Günther and M. Hoschek, "Partitionierung Strategies in Circuit Simulation", 2001.

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