Semiconductor devices are solid state bodies, whose electrical conductivity strongly depends on the temperature and other internal properties like the so-called doping. Depending on the temperature or other internal settigns, they can be regarded as insulator or conductor. (Physically speaken: Semiconductor materials have a band gap between.. and .. electron Volt)
This property makes them extremely useful in electronics, since this property can be easily employed to use them as switches. On nowadays computerchips and prozessors, millions of semiconductor devices (especially transistors) are included in an electronic circuit. In order to use common circuit simulation tools to simualte circuits containing those devices, semiconductor devices are often reflected by compact models - subcircuits of basic elements like resistors, capacitors, inductors and current/voltage sources. Those compact models shoul rebuild the input/output behaviour of the semiconductor device.
Ongoing miniaturization and the step from miro- to nanotechnology, however, leads to more powerful prozessors and chips, since higher packing density can be achieved. On the other hand, this higher packing density and miniaturization of the devices makes parasitic effects like heating predominant. Incorporation of those effects into compact models results in large compact models to describe a single semiconductor device. This makes it desireable to include more exact distributed device models - device models based on partial differential equations - into circuit simulation.
Moreover, smaller devices are driven by smaller signals, what makes them more energy efficient. On the other hand this results in a larger noise/signal ratio, what makes inclusion of non-deterministic effects into device models interesting. All in all, this leads to the following recent question in semiconductor/circuit modelling and simulation:
- Thermal effects in semiconductor devices
- Noise in semiconductor devices (SDEs)
- Quantum Effects in semiconductor devices
- Electro-thermal coupling of optoelectronic semiconductor devices with electric circuits
- Efficient Co-Simulation of circuit/semiconductor problems (Dynamic Iteration schemes)
Former and ongoing projects
- Vittorio Romano, Università degli studi di Catania, Italy
- Giuseppe Ali, Universitá della Calabria, Italy
- Ansgar Jüngel, TU Vienna, Austria
- Pina Milisic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Open subjects for theses
- Master Thesis: Two-dimensional thermal-electric simulation of semiconductor MOSFET-devices (M.Brunk)
- 1984
Morillon-Chapey, M.; Guelachvili, Guy; Jensen, Per
Analysis of the high resolution spectrum of the \(\nu\)\(_{2}\) and \(\nu\)\(_{5}\) absorption bands of methyl chloride
Canadian Journal of Physics, 62 (3) :247-253
Herausgeber: NRC Research Press Ottawa, Canada101.
Maten, E. J. W.
Stability analysis of finite difference methods for fourth order parabolic partial differential equations
Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht
1984- 1983
Winter, R.; Kruse, H.; Fink, Ewald H.; Wildt, J{ü}rgen
b\(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{+}\) Emissions from group V-VII diatomic molecules: b0\(^{+}\) → X\(_{1}\)0\(^{+}\) emission of Pl
Chemical Physics Letters, 102 (5) :404-408
Jensen, Per; Bunker, Philip R.
The application of the nonrigid bender Hamiltonian to a quasilinear molecule
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 99 (2) :348-356
Holstein, K. J.; Fink, Ewald H.; Wildt, J{ü}rgen; Winter, R.; Zabel, Friedhelm
Mechanisms of perhydroxyl HO\(_{2}\)(A\(^{2}\)A') excitation in various chemical systems
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 87 (20) :3943-3948
Holstein, K. J.; Fink, Ewald H.; Wildt, Jürgen; Winter, R.; Zabel, Friedhelm
Mechanisms of perhydroxyl HO2(A2A') excitation in various chemical systems
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 87 (20) :3943-3948
Wildt, J{ü}rgen; Fink, Ewald H.; Winter, R.; Zabel, Friedhelm
Radiative lifetime and quenching of SO(b\(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{+}\),\(\nu\)'=0)
Chemical Physics, 80 (1-2) :167-175
Wildt, J{ü}rgen; Fink, Ewald H.; Winter, R.; Zabel, Friedhelm
Radiative lifetime and quenching of SO(b\(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{+}\),\(\nu\)'=0)
Chemical Physics, 80 (1-2) :167-175
Wildt, Jürgen; Fink, Ewald H.; Winter, R.; Zabel, Friedhelm
Radiative lifetime and quenching of SO(b1Σ+,ν'=0)
Chemical Physics, 80 (1-2) :167-175
Wildt, J{ü}rgen; Bielefeld, M.; Fink, Ewald H.; Winter, R.; Zabel, Friedhelm
Radiative livetimes of the metastable b\(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\) states of SO, SeO, PCl and PBr
Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges, 92 (6-7) :523-524
Wildt, J{ü}rgen; Bielefeld, M.; Fink, Ewald H.; Winter, R.; Zabel, Friedhelm
Radiative livetimes of the metastable b\(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\) states of SO, SeO, PCl and PBr
Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges, 92 (6-7) :523-524
Wildt, Jürgen; Bielefeld, M.; Fink, Ewald H.; Winter, R.; Zabel, Friedhelm
Radiative livetimes of the metastable b1Σ states of SO, SeO, PCl and PBr
Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges, 92 (6-7) :523-524
[german] Tausch, Michael W.
Strukturaufklärung in der organischen Chemie - Ermittlung der Strukturformeln von Maleinsäure und Fumarsäure
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften (Chemie), 32 :44
Holstein, K. J.; Fink, Ewald H.; Zabel, Friedhelm
The \(\nu\)\(_{3}\) vibration of electronically excited HO\(_{2}\)(A\(^{2}\)A')
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 99 (1) :231-234
Holstein, K. J.; Fink, Ewald H.; Zabel, Friedhelm
The \(\nu\)\(_{3}\) vibration of electronically excited HO\(_{2}\)(A\(^{2}\)A')
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 99 (1) :231-234
Jensen, Per; Bunker, Philip R.
The application of the nonrigid bender Hamiltonian to a quasilinear molecule
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 99 (2) :348-356
Jensen, Per; Bunker, Philip R.
The application of the nonrigid bender Hamiltonian to a quasilinear molecule
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 99 (2) :348-356
Jensen, Per
The nonrigid bender Hamiltonian for calculating the rotation-vibration energy levels of a triatomic molecule
Computer Physics Reports, 1 (1) :1-55
Winnewisser, Brenda P.; Jensen, Per
The infrared spectrum of fulminic acid, HCNO, in the \(\nu\)\(_{4}\) fundamental region
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 101 (2) :408-421
Jensen, Per
HCNO as a semirigid bender: The degenerate \(\nu\)\(_{4}\) state
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 101 (2) :422-439
Jensen, Per
HCNO as a semirigid bender: The degenerate \(\nu\)\(_{4}\) state
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 101 (2) :422-439
Tausch, Michael W.
DER UV-TAUCHLAMPENREAKTOR FÜR PHOTOCHEMISCHE SCHULVERSUCHE, Monographie mit Versuchsanleitungen und didaktischen Hinweisen
Herausgeber: SCS Jürgens\&Co KG, Bremen
Tausch, Michael W.
Chemische Solarenergiespeicherung in Valenzisomeren
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften (Chemie), 32 :79
Winter, R.; Kruse, H.; Fink, Ewald H.; Wildt, Jürgen
b1Σ+ Emissions from group V-VII diatomic molecules: b0+ → X10+ emission of Pl
Chemical Physics Letters, 102 (5) :404-408
Bunker, Philip R.; Jensen, Per
A refined potential surface for the X\verb=~=\(^{3}\)B\(_{1}\) electronic state of methylene CH\(_{2}\)
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 79 (3) :1224-1228