
3D models of pc components
The advance in telecommunications and computer technology within the last decades is representative for the technological progress of the society. This highly visible progress is strongly driven by the development of new and more powerful electromagnetic devices and electric circuits, whose behavior is abstractly described by Maxwell's Equations (see Moore's Law). Their simulation yields large systems of equations, that are tightly coupled and due to higher integration and increasing frequencies additional multiphysical phenomena must be taken into account.
In those complex applications one faces typically one or several of the following subproblems (for example when modeling a desktop computer)
- electric network simulation (of the main board)
- semiconductor device simulation (quantum effects in the main processor)
- thermal effects (heating of the processor)
- gas dynamics (turbulences due to cooling)
- electromagnetic fields (due to antennas and the power supply).
- 2024
Klamroth, Kathrin; Stiglmayr, Michael; Totzeck, Claudia
Consensus-Based Optimization for Multi-Objective Problems: A Multi-Swarm Approach
Journal of Global Optimization
Günther, Michael; Jacob, Birgit; Totzeck, Claudia
Data-driven adjoint-based calibration of port-Hamiltonian systems in time domain
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 36 (4) :957–977
Herausgeber: Springer London5251.
Günther, Michael; Jacob, Birgit; Totzeck, Claudia
Data-driven adjoint-based calibration of port-Hamiltonian systems in time domain
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 36 (4) :957–977
Herausgeber: Springer London5250.
Vinod, Vivin; Zaspel, Peter
Assessing Non-Nested Configurations of Multifidelity Machine Learning for Quantum-Chemical Properties
Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 5 (4) :045005
B. Jacob, C. Totzeck
Port-Hamiltonian Structure of Interacting Particle Systems and Its Mean-Field Limit
SIAM Multiscale Modelling & Simulation, 22
Günther, M.; Jacob, Birgit; Totzeck, Claudia
Data-driven adjoint-based calibration of port-Hamiltonian systems in time domain
Math. Control Signals Syst.
Schaefers, Kevin; Peardon, Michael
A modified Cayley transform for SU(3)
Petrov, Pavel S.; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Kozitskiy, Sergey B.
A generalization of the split-step Padé method to the case of coupled acoustic modes equation in a 3D waveguide
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 577 :118304
Herausgeber: Academic Press5245.
Petrov, Pavel S.; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Kozitskiy, Sergey B.
A generalization of the split-step Padé method to the case of coupled acoustic modes equation in a 3D waveguide
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 577 :118304
Herausgeber: Academic Press5244.
Clevenhaus, Anna; Totzeck, Claudia; Ehrhardt, Matthias
A gradient-based calibration method for the Heston model
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 101 (9-10) :1094–1112
Herausgeber: Taylor & Francis5243.
Clevenhaus, Anna; Totzeck, Claudia; Ehrhardt, Matthias
A gradient-based calibration method for the Heston model
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 101 (9-10) :1094–1112
Herausgeber: Taylor & Francis5242.
Clevenhaus, Anna; Totzeck, Claudia; Ehrhardt, Matthias
A gradient-based calibration method for the Heston model
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
Schäfers, Kevin; Peardon, Michael; Günther, Michael
A modified Cayley transform for SU (3)
Schäfers, Kevin; Peardon, Michael; Günther, Michael
A modified Cayley transform for SU (3)
Ehrhardt, Matthias
A nonstandard finite difference scheme for a time-fractional model of Zika virus transmission
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 21 (1) :924–962
Herausgeber: AIMS Press5238.
Gaul, Daniela; Klamroth, Kathrin; Pfeiffer, Christian; Stiglmayr, Michael; Schulz, Arne
A Tight Formulation for the Dial-a-Ride Problem
European Journal of Operational Research
September 2024
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
ISSN: 0377-22175237.
Ehrhardt, Matthias
A nonstandard finite difference scheme for a time-fractional model of Zika virus transmission
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 21 (1) :924–962
Herausgeber: AIMS Press5236.
Clevenhaus, Anna; Totzeck, Claudia; Ehrhardt, Matthias
A numerical study of the impact of variance boundary conditions for the Heston model
In Burnecki, K. and Szwabiński, J. and Teuerle, M., Editor
In Burnecki, K. and Szwabiński, J. and Teuerle, M., Editor
Herausgeber: Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Clevenhaus, Anna; Totzeck, Claudia; Ehrhardt, Matthias
A numerical study of the impact of variance boundary conditions for the Heston model
In Burnecki, K. and Szwabiński, J. and Teuerle, M., Editor
In Burnecki, K. and Szwabiński, J. and Teuerle, M., Editor
Herausgeber: Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Clemens, Markus; Henkel, Marvin-Lucas; Kasolis, Fotios; Günther, Michael
A Port-Hamiltonian System Perspective on Electromagneto-Quasistatic Field Formulations of Darwin-Type
Clemens, Markus; Henkel, Marvin-Lucas; Kasolis, Fotios; Günther, Michael
A Port-Hamiltonian System Perspective on Electromagneto-Quasistatic Field Formulations of Darwin-Type
Hoang, Manh Tuan; Ehrhardt, Matthias
A second-order nonstandard finite difference method for a general Rosenzweig-MacArthur predator--prey model
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics :115752
Herausgeber: Elsevier5230.
Dächert, Kerstin; Fleuren, Tino; Klamroth, Kathrin
A simple, efficient and versatile objective space algorithm for multiobjective integer programming
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
Kapllani, Lorenc; Teng, Long
{A backward differential deep learning-based algorithm for solving high-dimensional nonlinear backward stochastic differential equations}