
3D models of pc components
The advance in telecommunications and computer technology within the last decades is representative for the technological progress of the society. This highly visible progress is strongly driven by the development of new and more powerful electromagnetic devices and electric circuits, whose behavior is abstractly described by Maxwell's Equations (see Moore's Law). Their simulation yields large systems of equations, that are tightly coupled and due to higher integration and increasing frequencies additional multiphysical phenomena must be taken into account.
In those complex applications one faces typically one or several of the following subproblems (for example when modeling a desktop computer)
- electric network simulation (of the main board)
- semiconductor device simulation (quantum effects in the main processor)
- thermal effects (heating of the processor)
- gas dynamics (turbulences due to cooling)
- electromagnetic fields (due to antennas and the power supply).
- 2023
[german] Grandrath, Rebecca
Videoschnitt für Einsteiger:innen
Unterricht Biologie - Das Schülerarbeitsheft, 51 :32-36
November 20235177.
He, Siyang; Schog, Simon; Chen, Ying; Ji, Yuxin; Panitz, Sinan; Richtering, Walter; Göstl, Robert
Photoinduced Mechanical Cloaking of Diarylethene-Crosslinked Microgels
Advanced Materials, 35 (41) :2305845
Oktober 2023
ISSN: 1521-40955176.
Phenanthro[9,10‑d]imidazoles: An Unexpected Synthetic Route
Synthesis, 55 (24) :4224-4230
Oktober 2023
Herausgeber: Thieme
ISSN: 0039-78815175.
Abdul Halim, A.; others
Radio Measurements of the Depth of Air-Shower Maximum at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Oktober 20235174.
Abdul Halim, A.; others
Demonstrating Agreement between Radio and Fluorescence Measurements of the Depth of Maximum of Extensive Air Showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Oktober 20235173.
Göstl, Robert
Trendbericht: Makromolekulare Chemie 2023
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 71 (10) :48--54
September 2023
ISSN: 1868-00545172.
Meinert, Janning; Morej\'on, Leonel; Sandrock, Alexander; Eichmann, Björn; Kreidelmeyer, Jonas; Kampert, Karl-Heinz
Modified temperature redshift relation and UHECR propagation
September 20235171.
[english] Venzlaff, Julian; Kosumi, Kaltrina; Zeller, Diana; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Education for Sustainable Development and Experiments involving Titanium Dioxide
World Journal of Chemical Education, 11 (3) :80-86
August 20235170.
[english] Brunnert, Rainer; Tausch, Michael W.
Green Chemistry in STEM Education: Light for Basic Concepts
World Journal of Chemical Education, 11 (3) :65-73
August 20235169.
Desai, Prachi; Dasgupta, Anshuman; Sofias, Alexandros Marios; Peña, Quim; Göstl, Robert; Slabu, Ioana; Schwaneberg, Ulrich; Stiehl, Thomas; Wagner, Wolfgang; Jockenhövel, Stefan; Stingl, Julia; Kramann, Rafael; Trautwein, Christian; Brümmendorf, Tim H.; Kiessling, Fabian; Herrmann, Andreas; Lammers, Twan
Transformative Materials for Interfacial Drug Delivery
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 12 (20) :2301062
August 2023
ISSN: 2192-26595168.
Haussmann, N.; Stroka, S.; Clemens, M.
Anwendung neuronaler Netze in der Bestimmung der Exposition gegenüber niederfrequenten Magnetfeldern bei induktiven Ladesystemen
URSI e.V. Deutschland 2023 Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2023)
Miltenberg, Germany
07 20235167.
Clevenhaus, A.; Totzeck, C.; Ehrhardt, M.
A numerical study of the impact of variance boundary conditions for the Heston model
IMACM preprint 23/11
Juli 20235166.
Stroka, S.; Haussmann, N.; Clemens, M.
Bewertung niederfrequenter Magnetfeldexpositionen unter Einsatz ordnungsreduzierender Modelle
URSI e.V. Deutschland 2023 Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2023)
Miltenberg, Germany
06 20235165.
[german] Venzlaff, Julian; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Photoreformierung – grüner Wasserstoff aus Alkohol, Zucker und Stärke
CHEMKON, 30 (6) :254-259
Juni 20235164.
Mittendorf, Fabia
Total synthesis of both enantiomers of the biosurfactant aureosurfactin via bidirectional synthesis with a chiral Horner–Wittig building block
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2023 (21) :4574-4577
05 2023
Herausgeber: RSC5163.
Haussmann, N.; Stroka, S.; Tiemann, M.; David, A.; Schmuelling, B.; Clemens, M.
Vorstellung des MILAS Projektes: Autonome induktiv geladene Elektro-Shuttles im öffentlichen Nahverkehr
5. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2023, „Next Chapter in Mobility“
Duisburg, Germany
5 20235162.
Kähne, B.; Clemens, M.
A ROW-Type Method for GPU-Accelerated Large-Scale Finite Element Simulations of Nonlinear Eddy Current Problems
The 13th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2023)
Marseilles, France
5 20235161.
Haussmann, N.; Stroka, S.; Clemens, M.
Reduction of the Numerical Error in High-Resolution Low-Frequency Magnetic-Field Exposure Scenarios of Human Models Utilizing Smoothing Methods
The 13th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2023)
Marseilles, France, 29.-31.08.2023
04 20235160.
Zhou, Yu; Centeno, Silvia P.; Zhang, Kuan; Zheng, Lifei; Göstl, Robert; Herrmann, Andreas
Fracture Detection in Bio-Glues with Fluorescent-Protein-Based Optical Force Probes
Advanced Materials, 35 (16) :2210052
April 2023
ISSN: 1521-40955159.
Thermolysis of Geminal Diazido Malonamides: Simple Access to Tetrazoles and Functionalization of In Situ Formed Isocyanates
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 26 (18) :e2023002
04 2023
Herausgeber: Wiley
ISSN: 1434-193X5158.
Küng, Robin; Germann, Anne; Krüsmann, Marcel; Niggemann, Louisa P.; Meisner, Jan; Karg, Matthias; Göstl, Robert; Schmidt, Bernd M.
Mechanoresponsive Metal-Organic Cage-Crosslinked Polymer Hydrogels
Chemistry – A European Journal, 29 (18) :e202300079
März 2023
ISSN: 1521-37655157.
[german] Grandrath, Rebecca; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Dem Apfel ans Leder
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 71 :12-14
März 20235156.
Abreu, P.; others
Search for photons above 10^{19} eV with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
JCAP, 05 :021
Abdul Halim, Adila; others
Search for primary photons at tens of PeV with the Pierre Auger Observatory
PoS, ICRC2023 :238
Abdul Halim, Adila; others
Search for Ultra-high-energy Photons from Gravitational Wave Sources with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Astrophys. J., 952 (1) :91