
3D models of pc components
The advance in telecommunications and computer technology within the last decades is representative for the technological progress of the society. This highly visible progress is strongly driven by the development of new and more powerful electromagnetic devices and electric circuits, whose behavior is abstractly described by Maxwell's Equations (see Moore's Law). Their simulation yields large systems of equations, that are tightly coupled and due to higher integration and increasing frequencies additional multiphysical phenomena must be taken into account.
In those complex applications one faces typically one or several of the following subproblems (for example when modeling a desktop computer)
- electric network simulation (of the main board)
- semiconductor device simulation (quantum effects in the main processor)
- thermal effects (heating of the processor)
- gas dynamics (turbulences due to cooling)
- electromagnetic fields (due to antennas and the power supply).
- 1980
Winter, R.; Barnes, Ian; Fink, Ewald H.; Wildt, J{ü}rgen; Zabel, Friedhelm
b\(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{+}\) → X\(^{3}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{-}\) Emissions of SeO, SeS, and Se\(_{2}\) in the near infrared
Chemical Physics Letters, 73 (2) :297-303
Winter, R.; Barnes, Ian; Fink, Ewald H.; Wildt, Jürgen; Zabel, Friedhelm
b1Σ+ → X3Σ- Emissions of SeO, SeS, and Se2 in the near infrared
Chemical Physics Letters, 73 (2) :297-303
Kauppinen, Jyrki; Jensen, Per; Brodersen, Svend
Determination of the B\(_{0}\) constant of C\(_{6}\)H\(_{6}\)
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 83 (1) :161-174
Kauppinen, Jyrki; Jensen, Per; Brodersen, Svend
Determination of the B\(_{0}\) constant of C\(_{6}\)H\(_{6}\)
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 83 (1) :161-174
Kauppinen, Jyrki; Jensen, Per; Brodersen, Svend
Determination of the B0 constant of C6H6
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 83 (1) :161-174
1980- 1979
Glaschick-Schimpf, I.; Leiss, A.; Monkhouse, Penelope B.; Schurath, Ulrich; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
A kinetic study of the reactions of HO\(_{2}\)/DO\(_{2}\) radicals with nitric oxide using near-infrared chemiluminescence detection
Chemical Physics Letters, 67 (2-3) :318-323
Glaschick-Schimpf, I.; Leiss, A.; Monkhouse, Penelope B.; Schurath, Ulrich; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
A kinetic study of the reactions of HO\(_{2}\)/DO\(_{2}\) radicals with nitric oxide using near-infrared chemiluminescence detection
Chemical Physics Letters, 67 (2-3) :318-323
Glaschick-Schimpf, I.; Leiss, A.; Monkhouse, Penelope B.; Schurath, Ulrich; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
A kinetic study of the reactions of HO2/DO2 radicals with nitric oxide using near-infrared chemiluminescence detection
Chemical Physics Letters, 67 (2-3) :318-323
Tausch, Michael W.; C. Ha{ßs}, E.; J. Plath, P.
Beschreibung von Valenzisomerisierungen durch Strukturvariation auf vollständigen Graphen
Informal Communications in Mathematical Chemistry (MatCh), 7 :289
Barnes, Ian; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
Chemiluminescence of SO(\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\)\(_{g}\),\(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\)\(_{g}\)\(^{+}\)) sensitized by O\(_{2}\)(\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\)\(_{g}\))
Chemical Physics Letters, 67 (2-3) :310-313
Barnes, Ian; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
Chemiluminescence of SO(\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\)\(_{g}\),\(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\)\(_{g}\)\(^{+}\)) sensitized by O\(_{2}\)(\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\)\(_{g}\))
Chemical Physics Letters, 67 (2-3) :310-313
Barnes, Ian; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
Near-infrared emissions from the \(^{1}\)\(\Delta\)\(_{g}\) and \(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\)\(_{g}\)\(^{+}\) states of S\(_{2}\)
Chemical Physics Letters, 67 (2-3) :314-317
Barnes, Ian; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
Near-infrared emissions from the \(^{1}\)\(\Delta\)\(_{g}\) and \(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\)\(_{g}\)\(^{+}\) states of S\(_{2}\)
Chemical Physics Letters, 67 (2-3) :314-317
Barnes, Ian; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
Near-infrared emissions from the 1Δg and 1Σg+ states of S2
Chemical Physics Letters, 67 (2-3) :314-317
Tausch, Michael W.
Vorschlag für den Aufbau und die Bewertung einer Klausur zum Kurs ''Bindung und Struktur''
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften (Chemie), 28 :304
Barnes, Ian; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
Chemiluminescence of SO(1Δg,1Σg+) sensitized by O2(1Δg)
Chemical Physics Letters, 67 (2-3) :310-313
1979- 1978
Tausch, Michael W.; C. Hass, E.; J. Plath, P.
Eine graphentheoretische Bezugsstruktur für die Eigenwertsumme konjugierter Kohlenwasserstoffe
Bremer Briefe zur Chemie, 2 (30)
Leiss, A.; Schurath, Ulrich; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
Revised quenching rate constants for metastable oxygen molecules O\(_{2}\)(a\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\)\(_{g}\))
Journal of Photochemistry, 8 (2) :211-214
Leiss, A.; Schurath, Ulrich; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
Revised quenching rate constants for metastable oxygen molecules O\(_{2}\)(a\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\)\(_{g}\))
Journal of Photochemistry, 8 (2) :211-214
Leiss, A.; Schurath, Ulrich; Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.
Revised quenching rate constants for metastable oxygen molecules O2(a1Δg)
Journal of Photochemistry, 8 (2) :211-214
1978- 1977
[german] Tausch, Michael W.; Elian, Mihai; Bucur, Aurora; Cior{{\^a}}nescu, Ecaterina
Über das photochemische Verhalten von zwei Tribenzo-(CH)12-Valenzisomeren
Chemische Berichte, 110 (5) :1744-1747
Herausgeber: Wiley- 1974
Mihail, R.; Tausch, Michael W.
Homogene Reaktionen in einem Rohrreaktor mit nicht-Newtonscher Strömung
The Chemical Engineering Journal, 7 (1) :53--60
Herausgeber: Elsevier {BV}6.
Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.; Langen, P.; Schurath, Ulrich
Near infrared emission bands of the HO\(_{2}\) radical
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 60 (11) :4623-4625
Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.; Langen, P.; Schurath, Ulrich
Near infrared emission bands of the HO\(_{2}\) radical
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 60 (11) :4623-4625
Becker, Karl Heinz; Fink, Ewald H.; Langen, P.; Schurath, Ulrich
Near infrared emission bands of the HO2 radical
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 60 (11) :4623-4625