Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)

Industry Internship

An industry internship is a very good opportunity to gain practical experience during your studies, apply your knowledges and make contacts in industry. Many of our students take advantage of this opportunity and some work in the companies significantly longer than required. In the Bachelor of Business Mathematics as well as the Master of Mathematics, an industry internship is part of the curriculum.


At Bachelor level, you can earn 6 or 9 credit points in the form of an internship. For 6 credit points, the internship must comprise 180 hours, which corresponds to a duration of 5 weeks of full-time internship. For 9 credit points, the internship must comprise 270 hours, which corresponds to a duration of 8 weeks of full-time internship. The internship certificate and report must show that you applied mathematical methods during the internship. In order to receive 9 LP, the report must also show that you have independently developed and implemented algorithms.


At Master's level, you can earn 9 or 12 credit points in the form of an internship. For 9 credit points, the internship must comprise 270 hours, which corresponds to 8 weeks of full-time internship. For 12 credit points, the internship must comprise 360 hours, which corresponds to a duration of 12 weeks of full-time internship. The internship certificate and report must show that you have applied mathematical methods during the internship.


To Do's

Before your internship

Before you decide on an internship, you should contact your professor and discuss the contents of the internship. This is important so that you can be sure that later on your internship will be recognised. Tip: Working student activities can sometimes also be recognised.

Thus, write an email to Prof. Dr. Michael Günther, with CC to Hanna Schilar, in which you briefly describe where you would like to do the internship and what your activities will be. It is important that the mathematical aspects of your activities are recognisable.

Then you will get the OK and you may start!

After your internship

After the internship, it is best to submit your documents right away in order to receive your credit points. Don't wait until you graduate to do this. :) Send your internship report and your internship certificate to Hanna Schilar, please mention your matriculation number, the planned number of credit points and your field of study in the email.

It is important that the report as well as certificate illustrate the mathematical aspects of your tasks during the internship. Sometimes students ask us how long the report should be. We don't have a precise guideline for this, but often 6-10 pages are being submitted.

Then you are done!

Finding your internship

Maybe you don't know where you would like to do your internship yet. Here is a small list of companies and institutions where our students have already completed their internships. Maybe it will inspire you or even get you in touch. Of course, any other internship that meets the requirements is also fine.

Let's go: adesso insurance solutions, APTIV, AXA, Barmenia, BAYER, Commerz Real, Daimler, Deloitte, Deutsche Post, Deutsche Postbank, DEVK, Dönges, EDE Einkaufsbüro Deutscher Eisenhändler, ERGO Versicherungsgruppe, Ernst & Young, GE Oil & Gas, GEFA Bank, Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung, HSBC, Kienbaum, KPMG, OBI Group, Provinzial, pwc Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Siemens, Sparkasse, Vaillant, Volkswagen, Vorwerk, West LB, WSW, Wuppertal Institut, Zurich Gruppe