Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)


A. Zisowsky, A. Arnold, M. Ehrhardt and T. Koprucki, "Transient Simulation of {kp-Schrödinger} Systems using Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions" in Advanced Mathematical Models and Numerical Techniques for Multiband Effective Mass Approximations, M. Ehrhardt and T. Koprucki, Eds. Springer, Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 247--272.
A. Zisowsky, A. Arnold, M. Ehrhardt and T. Koprucki, "Transient Simulation of k⋅ p-Schrödinger Systems Using Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions" in Multi-Band Effective Mass Approximations: Advanced Mathematical Models and Numerical Techniques, Springer International Publishing Cham, 2014, pp. 247--272.
P. Putek, R. Pulch, S. Sch\"ops, E. J. W. Maten, M. Slodicka, H. de Gersem and M. Günther, "Uncertainty Quantification of Field/Circuit coupled problems" in ACOMEN 2014, 6th International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, June 26, 2014, Ghent, Belgium, 2014.
A. Di Buccianico, J., R. Pulch, R. Janssen, J. Niehof, M. Hanssen and S. Kapora, "Robust and efficient uncertainty quantification and validation of {RFIC} isolation", Radioengineering, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 308-318, 2014. Brno University of Technology.
P. Putek, R. Pulch, S. Schoeps, J. Maten, M. Slodicka, H. De Gersem and M. Guenther, "Uncertainty quantification of the field/circuit coupled problems" in International Conference on Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering (ACOMEN 2014), Date: 2014/06/24-2014/06/27, Location: Ghent, Belgium, 2014.

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