Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)


A. :. Bartel, "First order thermal {PDAE} models in electric circuit design" in Proceedings 4th Mathmod, Vienna 2003, Troch, I. and Breitenecker, F., Eds. 2003.
M. Günther and A. Jüngel,Finanzderivate mit MATLAB{\textregistered}, 2003.
G. Ali, A. Bartel, M. Günther and C. Tischendorf, "Elliptic partial differential-algebraic multiphysics models in electrical network design", Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 13, no. 09, pp. 1261--1278, 2003. World Scientific.
M. Ehrhardt, "Efficient Numerical Implementation of Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions for Parabolic Equations" in Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, June 24-27, 2002, Gdansk, Poland, 2002, pp. 381--386.
M. Günther, A. Klar, T. Materne and R. Wegener, "Multivalued fundamental diagrams and stop and go waves for continuum traffic equations", 2002.

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