Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)


A. Bartel, M. Günther and A. Kværnø, "Multirate methods in electrical circuit simulation" in Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000, A.M. Anile and V. Capasso and A. Greco, Eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002, pp. 258--265.
M. Ehrhardt, "Efficient numerical implementation of discrete transparent boundary conditions for parabolic equations in underwater acoustics", Acta Acustica united with Acustica, vol. 88, no. 5, pp. 711--713, 2002. S. Hirzel Verlag.
A. Bartel, M. Günther, R. Pulch and P. Rentrop, "Numerical techniques for different time scales in electric circuit simulation" in High Performance Scientific And Engineering Computing: Proceedings of the 3rd International FORTWIHR Conference on HPSEC, Erlangen, March 12--14, 2001, M. Breuer and F. Durst and Chr. Zenger, Eds. 2002, pp. 343--360.
C. Lin, T. Heijmen, J. Maten and M. Kole, "ADAPT: Design assistance for iterative analogue synthesis" in Analog 2002 - Entwicklung von Analogschaltungen mit CAE-Methoden, Bremen, W. Anheier and R. Laur and H. Gräb, Eds. VDE Verlag GMBH, Berlin, May 2002, pp. 195-200.
A. Bartel and M. G\"unther, "A multirate W-method for electrical networks in state-space formulation", Comp.~Appl.~Math., vol. 147, no. 2, pp. 411--425, 2002.

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