Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)


C. Denk, M. Günther, M. Kahlert, M. Paffrath, P. Rentrop, U. Wever and Q. Zheng, "Recent advances in electronic industry by numerical simulation", 2000.
G. Denk, U. Feldmann, M. Günther and P. Rentrop, "Topics in Electric Circuit Simulation", 2000.
M. Günther and P. Rentrop, "Numerical simulation of electrical circuits", GAMM Mitteilungen, vol. 23, no. 1-2, pp. 51--77, 2000.
G. Denk and M. Günther, "The influence of MOSFET model and network equations on circuit simulation", 2000.
M. Günther, "Semidiscretization may act like a deregularization", Mathematics and computers in simulation, vol. 53, no. 4-6, pp. 293--301, 2000. North-Holland.

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