- 2000
- M. Günther and B. Simeon, "Praktikum Wissenschaftliches Rechnen auf dem HRZ-Vektorparallelrechner VPP", 2000.
- M. Günther and A. Ostermann, "Numerical treatment of ordinary and algebra-differential equations", 2000.
- R. Winkler, "On logarithmic norms for differential algebraic equations" in Preprint 00-17, 2000.
- M. Günther and M. Hoschek, "Modified ROW methods for electric circuit simulation packages", 2000.
- A. Bartel, "Generalised multirate: Two {ROW}-type versions for circuit simulation", Unclassified NatLab Report, Eindhoven, vol. 804, pp. 2000, 2000.