Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)


L. Teng, A. Lapitckii and M. Günther, "A multi-step scheme based on cubic spline for solving backward stochastic differential equations", Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 150, pp. 117--138, Apr. 2020. North-Holland.
S. Ankirchner, T. Kruse, M. Urusov and others, "A functional limit theorem for coin tossing Markov chains" in Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques, 2020, pp. 2996--3019.
S. Ankirchner, T. Kruse and M. Urusov, "Wasserstein convergence rates for random bit approximations of continuous Markov processes", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 493, no. 2, pp. 124543, 2019. Academic Press.
A. G. Tyshchenko, P. S. Petrov and M. Ehrhardt, "Wide-angle mode parabolic equation with transparent boundary conditions and its applications in shallow water acoustics" in 2019 Days on Diffraction (DD), 2019, pp. 221--225.
J. R. Yusupov, K. K. Sabirov, M. Ehrhardt and D. U. Matrasulov, "Transparent quantum graphs", Physics Letters A, vol. 383, no. 20, pp. 2382--2388, 2019. North-Holland.

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