Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)

Current Projects



Horizon 2020 MSCA-ITN-2014-EJD HPC-LEAP - High Performance Computing in Life Sciences, Engineering And Physics (1/2015--12/2018) Leader of ESR 9 Project: Modelling Turbulence in LBM and implementing on GPUs (Bartel, Ehrhardt)

GIVEN: Shape Optimization for Gas Turbines in Volatile Energy Networks

EU-MORNET Trans-Domain COST Action TD1307 (14/11/2013-13/11/2017) : European Model Reduction Network

Forschungsverbund: The Reacting Atmosphere: Understanding and Management for Future Generations.

Previous Projects

Third party project ICESTARS (EU, FP7-ICT, 02/2008-07/2010): Integrated Circuit/EM Simulation and design Technologies for Advanced Radio Systems-on-chip.

Third party project SFB/TR55 (DFG, 07/2008-06/2012 , extended to 06/2016): Hadron Physics from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics.

Third party project STRONGnet (EU, PITN-GA-2009-238353, 01/2010-12/2014): Strong Interaction Supercomputing Training Network

Third party project SOFA (BMBF grant number 03MS648E, 07/2010-06/2013): Gekoppelte Simulation und Optimierung für robustes virtuelles Fahrzeugdesign

Third party project OILPOLL (IB, BMBF and VAST, 10/2010-09/2012): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Algorithms for Oil Pollution

EPEAEK (EU, Ministry of Education, Greece, (01/2012-08/2014): New numerical and computational methods for the solution of differential equations with applications in environmental issues.

NL-BS (DAAD, Slovakian Ministery of Education, 01/2013-12/2014): Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Black-Scholes Equations.

Multi-ITN STRIKE (EU, FP7-PEOPLE, 01/2013-12/2016): Novel Methods in Computational Finance.

Third party project SIMUROM (Forschungsverbund, BMBF, 07/2013-06/2016): Coupled problems with uncertainty.

Third party project KOSMOS (Forschungsverbund, BMBF, 07/2013-06/2016)

NanoCOPS (EU, FP7-STRep, 11/2013-10/2016) : Nanoelectronic COupled Problems Solutions

ACES (EU, MUNDUS, 12/2013-11/2016) : Applied Computing in Engineering and Science (ACES)

HiPeCa (DAAD, Fundación, 01/2014 - 12/2015) : High Performance Calibration and Computation in Finance

DTBC-PAHEWA (DAAD, 10/2014-11/2014) : Discrete transparent boundary conditions for the parabolic approximations to the Helmholtz equation in underwater acoustics


Third party project COMSON (EU, MRTN-CT-2005-019417, 10/2005-09/2009): Coupled Multiscale Simulation and Optimization in Nanoelectronics.

Third party project (Sparkasse Leverkusen): Ein modularer Modellierungs- und Simulationsansatz zur integrierten Risikomessung in Sparkassen.

Third party project (ABN AMRO London): Advanced structural properties preserving numerical integration schemes for stochastic differential equations with applications in finance.

Third party project (BMBF grant number 03GUNAVN, 04/2004--03/2007): Partielle Differential-Algebraische Multiskalensysteme für die Numerische Simulation von Hochfrequenz-Schaltungen.

Third party project (Infineon Technologies Munich): Distributed time integration in full chip design.

Third party project (BMBF grant number 03GUM3W1, 10/2000--03/2004): Numerical simulation of electric networks including heat-conduction-effects.