Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)

Exchange with the Centre for Robotics at Queensland University of Technology in Australia

31.05.2024|11:03 Uhr

Supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Annika Mütze and Matthias Rottmann visited Dimity Miller and Niko Sünderhauf at the Centre for Robotics, Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia.

Together, they research the frontiers of vision language models (VLMs). Such models are typically trained on enormous amounts of data, such that their frontiers are not easy to analyze anymore. On the other hand, due to their impressive recognition capabilities, these models have a rapidly growing use base. For practical applications it is important to assess the trustworthiness of VLMs, in particular in safety critical applications such as robotics and automated driving. The DAAD supports two exchange trips per party to enable this research. We are looking forward to further fruitful collaboration.