Coupled DAE Problems
Coupled Problems of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) arise typically from either multiphysical modeling (e.g. in circuit simulation with heating) or from refined modeling, where crucial parts of the original problem are replaced by a better, but computational more expensive model (e.g. circuits refined by field models). Furthermore splitting methods may turn a monolithic DAE problem into coupled subproblems, e.g. because of different time scales (multirate). In any case the DAEs arise from network approaches or space-discretization of PDAEs (Partial Differential Algebraic Equations).
Often the coupled equations have quite different properties, i.e., symmetries, definiteness or time scales. Thus the coupled system must be analyzed (e.g. the index) and tailored methods have to be developed (e.g. dynamic iteration).
- 1995
Jensen, Per; Li, Yan; Hirsch, Gerhard; Buenker, Robert J.; Lee, Timothy J.; Kozin, Igor N.
Fourfold clusters of rovibrational energies in H2Te studied with an ab initio potential energy function
Chemical Physics, 190 (2-3) :179-189
Jensen, Per; Li, Yan; Hirsch, Gerhard; Buenker, Robert J.; Lee, Timothy J.; Kozin, Igor N.
Fourfold clusters of rovibrational energies in H\(_{2}\)Te studied with an ab initio potential energy function
Chemical Physics, 190 (2-3) :179-189
Günther, Michael; Simeon, Bernd
Praktikum Wissenschaftliches Rechnen auf dem HRZ-Vektorparallelrechner VPP
Preprint (1785)
Publisher: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt584.
Ehrhardt, M.
Finite Differenzenverfahren für hyperbolische Systeme mit absorbierenden Randbedingungen
Technische Universität Berlin
Heilmann, Margareta
Explicit Voronovskaja-type results for linear combinations of BDT-operators
Approximation Theory and its Applications, 11 (1) :54-61
Flaud, Jean-Marie; Camy-Peyret, C.; Bürger, H.; Jensen, Per; Kozin, Igor N.
Experimental evidence for the formation of fourfold rovibrational energy clusters in the ν1/ν3 vibrational states of H280Se
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (1) :126-134
Publisher: Academic Press581.
Flaud, Jean-Marie; Camy-Peyret, C.; B{ü}rger, H.; Jensen, Per; Kozin, Igor N.
Experimental evidence for the formation of fourfold rovibrational energy clusters in the \(\nu\)\(_{1}\)/\(\nu\)\(_{3}\) vibrational states of H\(_{2}\)\(^{80}\)Se
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (1) :126-134
Publisher: Academic Press580.
Ziebarth, K.; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Fink, Ewald H.
High-Resolution Study of the X2 2Π1/2 → X1 2Π3/2 Fine-Structure Transitions of 130TeF and 130Te35Cl
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 173 (2) :488-498
Publisher: Academic Press579.
Gerstberger, Robert; Günther, Michael
Charge-oriented extrapolation methods in digital circuit simulation
Applied numerical mathematics, 18 (1-3) :115--125
Publisher: North-Holland578.
Gerstberger, R.; Günther, M.
Charge-oriented extrapolation methods in digital circuit simulation
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 18 (1) :115–125
Publisher: Elsevier577.
Jensen, Per; Brumm, Martin; Kraemer, Wolfgang P.; Bunker, Philip R.
An ab Initio Calculation of the Rovibronic Energies of the CH2+ Molecule
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (1) :194-204
Publisher: Academic Press576.
Jensen, Per; Brumm, Martin; Kraemer, Wolfgang P.; Bunker, Philip R.
An ab Initio Calculation of the Rovibronic Energies of the CH\(_{2}\)\(^{+}\) Molecule
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (1) :194-204
Publisher: Academic Press575.
Jensen, Per; Brumm, Martin; Kraemer, Wolfgang P.; Bunker, Philip R.
An ab Initio Calculation of the Rovibronic Energies of the CH\(_{2}\)\(^{+}\) Molecule
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (1) :194-204
Publisher: Academic Press574.
Jensen, Per; Brumm, Martin; Kraemer, Wolfgang P.; Bunker, Philip R.
A Treatment of the Renner Effect Using the MORBID Hamiltonian
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 171 (1) :31-57
Publisher: Academic Press573.
Jensen, Per; Brumm, Martin; Kraemer, Wolfgang P.; Bunker, Philip R.
A Treatment of the Renner Effect Using the MORBID Hamiltonian
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 171 (1) :31-57
Publisher: Academic Press572.
Jensen, Per; Brumm, Martin; Kraemer, Wolfgang P.; Bunker, Philip R.
A Treatment of the Renner Effect Using the MORBID Hamiltonian
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 171 (1) :31-57
Publisher: Academic Press571.
Mengel, Markus; Jensen, Per
A Theoretical Study of the Stark Effect in Triatomic Molecules: Application to H2O
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 169 (1) :73-91
Publisher: Academic Press570.
Mengel, Markus; Jensen, Per
A Theoretical Study of the Stark Effect in Triatomic Molecules: Application to H\(_{2}\)O
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 169 (1) :73-91
Publisher: Academic Press569.
Mengel, Markus; Jensen, Per
A Theoretical Study of the Stark Effect in Triatomic Molecules: Application to H\(_{2}\)O
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 169 (1) :73-91
Publisher: Academic Press568.
Ziebarth, K.; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Fink, Ewald H.
High-Resolution Study of the X\(_{2}\) \(^{2}\)\(\Pi\)\(_{1/2}\) → X\(_{1}\) \(^{2}\)\(\Pi\)\(_{3/2}\) Fine-Structure Transitions of \(^{130}\)TeF and \(^{130}\)Te\(^{35}\)Cl
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 173 (2) :488-498
Publisher: Academic Press567.
Jensen, Per; Li, Yan; Hirsch, Gerhard; Buenker, Robert J.; Lee, Timothy J.; Kozin, Igor N.
Fourfold clusters of rovibrational energies in H\(_{2}\)Te studied with an ab initio potential energy function
Chemical Physics, 190 (2-3) :179-189
Günther, Michael; Denk, Georg; Feldmann, Uwe
How models for MOS transistors reflect charge distribution effects
Preprint (1745)
Publisher: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt565.
Jacob, Birgit
Linear quadratic optimal control of time-varying systems with indefinite costs on Hilbert spaces: the finite horizon problem
J. Math. Systems Estim. Control, 5 (1) :28
Bunker, Philip R.; Kolbuszewski, M.; Jensen, Per; Brumm, Martin; Anderson, M. A.; Barclay, W. L.; Ziurys, L. M.; Ni, Y.; Harris, David O.
New rovibrational data for MgOH and MgOD and the internuclear potential function of the ground electronic state
Chemical Physics Letters, 239 (4-6) :217-222
Bunker, Philip R.; Kolbuszewski, M.; Jensen, Per; Brumm, Martin; Anderson, M. A.; Barclay, W. L.; Ziurys, L. M.; Ni, Y.; Harris, David O.
New rovibrational data for MgOH and MgOD and the internuclear potential function of the ground electronic state
Chemical Physics Letters, 239 (4-6) :217-222