Coupled DAE Problems
Coupled Problems of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) arise typically from either multiphysical modeling (e.g. in circuit simulation with heating) or from refined modeling, where crucial parts of the original problem are replaced by a better, but computational more expensive model (e.g. circuits refined by field models). Furthermore splitting methods may turn a monolithic DAE problem into coupled subproblems, e.g. because of different time scales (multirate). In any case the DAEs arise from network approaches or space-discretization of PDAEs (Partial Differential Algebraic Equations).
Often the coupled equations have quite different properties, i.e., symmetries, definiteness or time scales. Thus the coupled system must be analyzed (e.g. the index) and tailored methods have to be developed (e.g. dynamic iteration).
- 1995
Shestakov, Oleg; Fink, Ewald H.
The Lowest Quartet States, a4Π and b4Σ-, of SbO
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (1) :215-224
Publisher: Academic Press611.
Becker, Karl Heinz; Kurtenbach, Ralf; Schmidt, Frank; Wiesen, Peter
Temperature and pressure dependence of the NCO + C\(_{2}\)H\(_{2}\) reaction
Chemical Physics Letters, 235 (3-4) :230-234
Becker, Karl Heinz; Kurtenbach, Ralf; Schmidt, Frank; Wiesen, Peter
Temperature and pressure dependence of the NCO + C2H2 reaction
Chemical Physics Letters, 235 (3-4) :230-234
G\"unther, Michael; Feldmann, U.
The {DAE}-index in electric circuit simulation
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 39 :573--582
Günther, Michael; Feldmann, Uwe
The DAE-index in electric circuit simulation
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 39 (5) :573–582
Publisher: Elsevier607.
Günther, Michael; Feldmann, Uwe
The DAE-index in electric circuit simulation
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 39 (5-6) :573--582
Publisher: North-Holland606.
Shestakov, Oleg; Fink, Ewald H.
The Lowest Quartet States, a\(^{4}\)\(\Pi\) and b\(^{4}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{-}\), of SbO
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (1) :215-224
Publisher: Academic Press605.
Shestakov, Oleg; Fink, Ewald H.
The Lowest Quartet States, a\(^{4}\)\(\Pi\) and b\(^{4}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{-}\), of SbO
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (1) :215-224
Publisher: Academic Press604.
Benter, Thorsten; Feldmann, Ch R.; Kirchner, Ulf; Schmidt, M.; Schmidt, Sven; Schindler, Ralph N.
UV/VIS-absorption Spectra of HOBr and CH\(_{3}\)OBr; Br(\(^{2}\)P\(_{3/2}\)) Atom Yields in the Photolysis of HOBr
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, 99 (9) :1144-1147
Kolbuszewski, M.; Bunker, Philip R.; Jensen, Per
The Potential Energy Function of CS\(_{2}\) Derived from Rovibrational Data
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 170 (1) :158-165
Publisher: Academic Press602.
Kolbuszewski, M.; Bunker, Philip R.; Jensen, Per
The Potential Energy Function of CS\(_{2}\) Derived from Rovibrational Data
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 170 (1) :158-165
Publisher: Academic Press601.
Kolbuszewski, M.; Bunker, Philip R.; Jensen, Per
The Potential Energy Function of CS2 Derived from Rovibrational Data
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 170 (1) :158-165
Publisher: Academic Press600.
Denk, Georg; Feldmann, Uwe; Günther, Michael; Rentrop, Peter
Topics in electric circuit simulation
Preprint (1740)
Publisher: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt599.
Benter, Thorsten; Feldmann, Ch R.; Kirchner, Ulf; Schmidt, M.; Schmidt, Sven; Schindler, Ralph N.
UV/VIS-absorption Spectra of HOBr and CH\(_{3}\)OBr; Br(\(^{2}\)P\(_{3/2}\)) Atom Yields in the Photolysis of HOBr
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, 99 (9) :1144-1147
Benter, Thorsten; Feldmann, Ch R.; Kirchner, Ulf; Schmidt, M.; Schmidt, Sven; Schindler, Ralph N.
UV/VIS-absorption Spectra of HOBr and CH3OBr; Br(2P3/2) Atom Yields in the Photolysis of HOBr
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, 99 (9) :1144-1147
Günther, M.; Lehn, J.; Rentrop, P.; Rettig, S.; Simeon, B.
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen aus der Sicht der Mathematik
Thema Forschung 2/95, 2 :26–35
Publisher: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt596.
G\"unther, Michael; Lehn, J.; Rentrop, P.; Rettig, S.; Simeon, B.
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen aus der Sicht der Mathematik
Thema Forschung 2/95, TH Darmstadt, 2 :26--35
Becker, Karl Heinz; Kurtenbach, Ralf; Schmidt, Frank; Wiesen, Peter
Temperature and pressure dependence of the NCO + C\(_{2}\)H\(_{2}\) reaction
Chemical Physics Letters, 235 (3-4) :230-234
Heilmann, Margareta
Saturation of linear combinations of Baskakov-Durrmeyer-type operators
Applicable Analysis, 59 (1-4) :93-107
Denk, Ceorg; Günther, Michael; Kahlert, Martin; Paffrath, Meinhard; Rentrop, Peter; Wever, Utz; Zheng, Q
Recent advances in electronic industry by numerical simulation
Preprint (1784)
Publisher: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt592.
Flaud, Jean-Marie; Camy-Peyret, C.; B{ü}rger, H.; Jensen, Per; Kozin, Igor N.
Experimental evidence for the formation of fourfold rovibrational energy clusters in the \(\nu\)\(_{1}\)/\(\nu\)\(_{3}\) vibrational states of H\(_{2}\)\(^{80}\)Se
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (1) :126-134
Publisher: Academic Press591.
Ziebarth, K.; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Fink, Ewald H.
High-Resolution Study of the X\(_{2}\) \(^{2}\)\(\Pi\)\(_{1/2}\) → X\(_{1}\) \(^{2}\)\(\Pi\)\(_{3/2}\) Fine-Structure Transitions of \(^{130}\)TeF and \(^{130}\)Te\(^{35}\)Cl
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 173 (2) :488-498
Publisher: Academic Press590.
Breidohr, R.; Shestakov, Oleg; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Fink, Ewald H.
High-Resolution Study of the a 3Σ+ (a1 1) → X 1Σ+ (X 0+) Transitions of BiP and BiAs
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (2) :369-377
Publisher: Academic Press589.
Breidohr, R.; Shestakov, Oleg; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Fink, Ewald H.
High-Resolution Study of the a \(^{3}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{+}\) (a\(_{1}\) 1) → X \(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{+}\) (X 0\(^{+}\)) Transitions of BiP and BiAs
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (2) :369-377
Publisher: Academic Press588.
Breidohr, R.; Shestakov, Oleg; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Fink, Ewald H.
High-Resolution Study of the a \(^{3}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{+}\) (a\(_{1}\) 1) → X \(^{1}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{+}\) (X 0\(^{+}\)) Transitions of BiP and BiAs
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 172 (2) :369-377
Publisher: Academic Press