Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM)

Dynamic Iteration Schemes

Dynamic iteration via source coupling

Standard time-integration methods solve transient problems all at once. This may become very inefficient or impossible for large systems of equations. Imaging that such large systems often stem from a coupled problem formulation, where different physical phenomena interact and need to be coupled in order to produce a precise mathematical model.
E.g. highly integrated electric circuits (as in memory chips or CPUs) produce heat, which effects in turn their behavior as electrical system; thus one needs to couple electric and thermal subproblem descriptions. On the one hand, this creates multiple time scales due to different physical phenomena, which demands an efficient treatment, see multirate. On the other hand, in a professional environment one usually has dedicated solvers for the subproblems, which need to be used, and an overall problem formulation is not feasible for any of the involved tools.

For those partitioned problems a dynamic iteration method becomes beneficial or even the sole way-out: it keeps the subproblems separate, solves subproblems sequentially (or in parallel) and iterates until convergence (fixed-point interation). Thus the subproblem's structure can be exploited in the respective integration.

To guarantee or to speed up convergence the time interval of interest is split into a series of windows. Then the time-integration of the windows is applied sequentially and in each window the subproblems are solved iteratively by your favoured method.

Group members working on that field

  • Andreas Bartel
  • Michael Günther

Former and ongoing Projects





Ehrhardt, Matthias
Mathematical Analysis and a Nonstandard Scheme for a Model of the Immune Response against COVID-19


Measurement of $t$-channel production of single top quarks and antiquarks in $pp$ collisions at 13 TeV using the full ATLAS Run 2 dataset


Mayotte, Eric William; others
Measurement of the mass composition of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays at the Pierre Auger Observatory
PoS, ICRC2023 :365


[german] Grandrath, Rebecca; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Mit Lactase und Lactose zum elektrischen Strom - enzymatische Brennstoffzellen auf Filterpapierbasis für den Chemieunterricht.
CHEMKON, 30 (1) :37-41
Januar 2023


Jäschke, Jens; Skrepek, Nathanael; Ehrhardt, Matthias
Mixed-dimensional geometric coupling of port-Hamiltonian systems
Applied Mathematics Letters, 137 :108508
Herausgeber: Pergamon


Stroka, S.; Haussmann, N.; Zang, M.; Schmuelling, B.; Clemens, M.
GPU-Based Near Real-Time Estimation of the Human Body Penetrating Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Using Free-Space Field Measurements
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 59 (5) :1-4


[english] Grandrath, Rebecca; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Biological Fuel Cells with Drugstore Products
World Journal of Chemical Education, 10 (4) :149-154
Dezember 2022


David, A.; Tiemann, M.; Schmuelling, B.; Haussmann, N.; Stroka, S.; Clemens, M.
Electromagnetic Compatibility Evaluation of Wireless Charging Systems for Public Spaces
2022 Second International Conference on Sustainable Mobility Applications, Renewables and Technology (SMART)
Italy (Online conference)
Herausgeber: Digest submitted.
Dezember 2022


Yildiz, Deniz; Göstl, Robert; Herrmann, Andreas
Sonopharmacology: controlling pharmacotherapy and diagnosis by ultrasound-induced polymer mechanochemistry
Chemical Science, 13 (46) :13708--13719
November 2022
ISSN: 2041-6539


Haussmann, N.; Mease, R.; Zang, M.; Stroka, S.; Hensel, H.; Clemens, M.
Efficient High-Resolution Electric Field Simulations Inside the Human Body in the Vicinity of Wireless Power Transfer Systems With Varying Models
COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, 42 :903-913
November 2022
Herausgeber: Emerald Publishing Limited
ISSN: 0332-1649


Baumann, Christoph; Willis-Fox, Niamh; Campagna, Davide; Rognin, Etienne; Marten, Paul; Daly, Ronan; Göstl, Robert
Regiochemical effects for the mechanochemical activation of 9-π-extended anthracene-maleimide Diels–Alder adducts
Journal of Polymer Science, 60 (22) :3128--3133
November 2022
ISSN: 2642-4169


[german] Zeller, Diana
Heimische Ökosysteme erkunden. Mit Maphub kooperative, ökologische Kartierung umsetzen
In Meier, Monique; Thyssen, Christoph, Editor aus Digital Unterrichten Biologie
November 2022


Kharandiuk, Tetiana; Tan, Kok Hui; Xu, Wenjing; Weitenhagen, Fabian; Braun, Susanne; Göstl, Robert; Pich, Andrij
Mechanoresponsive diselenide-crosslinked microgels with programmed ultrasound-triggered degradation and radical scavenging ability for protein protection
Chemical Science, 13 (38) :11304--11311
Oktober 2022
ISSN: 2041-6539


Rasch, Dustin; Göstl, Robert
Pyrene-Based Macrocrosslinkers with Supramolecular Mechanochromism for Elastic Deformation Sensing in Hydrogel Networks
Organic Materials, 4 (4) :170--177
Oktober 2022
ISSN: 2625-1825


Campagna, Davide; Göstl, Robert
Mechanoresponsive Carbamoyloximes for the Activation of Secondary Amines in Polymers
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 61 (39) :e202207557
September 2022
ISSN: 1521-3773


Campagna, Davide; Göstl, Robert
Mechanoresponsive Carbamoyloxime für die Aktivierung Sekundärer Amine in Polymeren
Angewandte Chemie, 134 (39) :e202207557
September 2022
ISSN: 1521-3757


[german] Kremer, Richard; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Tausch, Michael W.
Künstliche Photosynthese im Fokus - Photokatalytische Wasserstofferzeugung in der Eintopfzelle
CHEMKON, 29 (6) :646-653
September 2022


[german] Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Gökkus, Yasemin; Humbert, Ludger; Kiesling, Elisabeth; Kremer, Richard; Losch, Daniel; Schmitz, Denise; Zeller, Diana
Analyse, Struktur und Darstellung chemiedidaktischer Elemente aus informatischer Perspektive – Entwicklung eines interdisziplinären Lehrkonzeptes
MNU-Journal, 05.2022 :423-429
September 2022


Aad, Georges; others
Measurements of observables sensitive to colour reconnection in $t\bar{t}$ events with the ATLAS detector at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV
Eur. Phys. J. C, 83 (6) :518
September 2022


Brunnert, Rainer
Photoprozesse im bilingualen Chemie- und Biologieunterricht: eine explorative Studie
August 2022


Klok, Harm-Anton; Herrmann, Andreas; Göstl, Robert
Force ahead: Emerging Applications and Opportunities of Polymer Mechanochemistry
ACS Polymers Au, 2 (4) :208--212
August 2022


Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Siehr, Ilona
CHEMIE Einführungsphase Nordrhein-Westfalen
Herausgeber: C.C.Buchner Verlag, Bamberg
August 2022

ISBN: 9783661060019


Niggemann, L. P.; Göstl, Robert
Mechanoresponsive Functional Polymer Materials
aus Smart Materials Series
Seite 604--636
Herausgeber: Royal Society of Chemistry
2 Edition
Juli 2022


Xuan, Mingjun; Schumacher, Christian; Bolm, Carsten; Göstl, Robert; Herrmann, Andreas
The Mechanochemical Synthesis and Activation of Carbon-Rich π-Conjugated Materials
Advanced Science, 9 (19) :2105497
Juli 2022
ISSN: 2198-3844


[german] Grandrath, Rebecca; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia
Strom aus Bäckerhefe
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 70 (7-8) :18-21
Juli 2022

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