Dynamic Iteration Schemes
Standard time-integration methods solve transient problems all at once. This may become very inefficient or impossible for large systems of equations. Imaging that such large systems often stem from a coupled problem formulation, where different physical phenomena interact and need to be coupled in order to produce a precise mathematical model.
E.g. highly integrated electric circuits (as in memory chips or CPUs) produce heat, which effects in turn their behavior as electrical system; thus one needs to couple electric and thermal subproblem descriptions. On the one hand, this creates multiple time scales due to different physical phenomena, which demands an efficient treatment, see multirate. On the other hand, in a professional environment one usually has dedicated solvers for the subproblems, which need to be used, and an overall problem formulation is not feasible for any of the involved tools.
For those partitioned problems a dynamic iteration method becomes beneficial or even the sole way-out: it keeps the subproblems separate, solves subproblems sequentially (or in parallel) and iterates until convergence (fixed-point interation). Thus the subproblem's structure can be exploited in the respective integration.
To guarantee or to speed up convergence the time interval of interest is split into a series of windows. Then the time-integration of the windows is applied sequentially and in each window the subproblems are solved iteratively by your favoured method.
Group members working on that field
- Andreas Bartel
- Michael Günther
Former and ongoing Projects
- Herbert De Gersem, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- 2023
Günther, Michael; Sandu, Adrian; Schäfers, Kevin; Zanna, Antonella
Symplectic GARK methods for partitioned Hamiltonian systems
Schäfers, Kevin; Günther, Michael; Sandu, Adrian
Symplectic multirate generalized additive Runge-Kutta methods for Hamiltonian systems
Schäfers, Kevin; Günther, Michael; Sandu, Adrian
Symplectic multirate generalized additive Runge-Kutta methods for Hamiltonian systems
Ehrhardt, Matthias
Use of Interference Patterns to Control Sound Field Focusing in Shallow Water
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11 (3) :559
Herausgeber: MDPI5083.
Schäfers, Kevin; Günther, Michael; Sandu, Adrian
Symplectic multirate generalized additive Runge-Kutta methods for Hamiltonian systems
Synthesis and evaluation of radioiodinated estrogens for diagnosis and therapy of male urogenital tumours
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2023 (21) :3090-3095
Herausgeber: RSC
ISSN: 1477-05395081.
Relton, Samuel D.; Schweitzer, Marcel
Structured level-2 condition numbers of matrix functions
Ackermann, Julia; Jentzen, Arnulf; Kruse, Thomas; Kuckuck, Benno; Padgett, Joshua Lee
Deep neural networks with ReLU, leaky ReLU, and softplus activation provably overcome the curse of dimensionality for Kolmogorov partial differential equations with Lipschitz nonlinearities in the Lp-sense
[en] Hehnen, Tristan; Arnold, Lukas
PMMA pyrolysis simulation – from micro- to real-scale
Fire Safety Journal, 141
Dezember 2023
ISSN: 037971125078.
Ackermann, Julia; Jentzen, Arnulf; Kruse, Thomas; Kuckuck, Benno; Padgett, Joshua Lee
Deep neural networks with ReLU, leaky ReLU, and softplus activation provably overcome the curse of dimensionality for Kolmogorov partial differential equations with Lipschitz nonlinearities in the $L^p$-sense
Abdul Halim, Adila; others
Constraints on upward-going air showers using the Pierre Auger Observatory data
PoS, ICRC2023 :1099
Acu, Ana-Maria; Heilmann, Margareta; Raşa, Ioan; Seserman, Andra
Convergence of linking Durrmeyer type modifications of generalized Baskakov operators
Bulletin of the Malaysian Math. Sciences Society, 46 (3)
Jacob, Birgit; Mironchenko, Andrii; Partington, Jonathan R.; Wirth, Fabian
Corrigendum: Noncoercive Lyapunov functions for input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems
SIAM J. Control Optim., 61 (2) :723-724
Aerdker, S.; others
CRPropa 3.2: a public framework for high-energy astroparticle simulations
PoS, ICRC2023 :1471
Günther, Michael; Jacob, Birgit; Totzeck, Claudia
Data-driven adjoint-based calibration of port-Hamiltonian systems in time domain
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.03924
Kossaczká, Tatiana; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Günther, Michael
Deep FDM: Enhanced finite difference methods by deep learning
Franklin Open, 4 :100039
Herausgeber: Elsevier5071.
Kossaczká, Tatiana; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Günther, Michael
Deep FDM: Enhanced finite difference methods by deep learning
Franklin Open, 4 :100039
Herausgeber: Elsevier5070.
Kossaczká, Tatiana; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Günther, Michael
Deep FDM: Enhanced finite difference methods by deep learning
Franklin Open, 4 :100039
Herausgeber: Elsevier5069.
Kossaczká, Tatiana; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Günther, Michael
Deep finite difference method for solving Asian option pricing problems
Preprint IMACM
Herausgeber: Bergische Universität Wuppertal5068.
Kossaczká, Tatiana; Ehrhardt, Matthias; Günther, Michael
Deep finite difference method for solving Asian option pricing problems
Preprint IMACM
Herausgeber: Bergische Universität Wuppertal5067.
Kapllani, Lorenc; Teng, Long
Deep Learning algorithms for solving high-dimensional nonlinear Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. - B
ISSN: 1531-34925066.
Kapllani, Lorenc; Teng, Long
Deep Learning algorithms for solving high-dimensional nonlinear backward stochastic differential equations
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. - B
Ackermann, Julia; Jentzen, Arnulf; Kruse, Thomas; Kuckuck, Benno; Padgett, Joshua Lee
Deep neural networks with ReLU, leaky ReLU, and softplus activation provably overcome the curse of dimensionality for Kolmogorov partial differential equations with Lipschitz nonlinearities in the Lp-sense
Yue, Baobiao; others
Constraints on BSM particles from the absence of upward-going air showers in the Pierre Auger Observatory
PoS, ICRC2023 :1095
Abdul Halim, Adila; others
Deep-Learning-Based Cosmic-Ray Mass Reconstruction Using the Water-Cherenkov and Scintillation Detectors of AugerPrime
PoS, ICRC2023 :371