Coupled DAE Problems

A circuit (DAE model) coupled to a magnetostatic field device (PDE model)
Coupled Problems of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) arise typically from either multiphysical modeling (e.g. in circuit simulation with heating) or from refined modeling, where crucial parts of the original problem are replaced by a better, but computational more expensive model (e.g. circuits refined by field models). Furthermore splitting methods may turn a monolithic DAE problem into coupled subproblems, e.g. because of different time scales (multirate). In any case the DAEs arise from network approaches or space-discretization of PDAEs (Partial Differential Algebraic Equations).
Often the coupled equations have quite different properties, i.e., symmetries, definiteness or time scales. Thus the coupled system must be analyzed (e.g. the index) and tailored methods have to be developed (e.g. dynamic iteration).
- 1996
Becker, Karl Heinz; Geiger, Harald; Wiesen, Peter
Kinetics of the reaction CH + N\(_{2}\) [M]→ Products in the range 10-620 torr and 298-1059 K
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 28 (2) :115-123
Kolbuszewski, M.; Bunker, Philip R.; Kraemer, Wolfgang P.; Osmann, Gerald; Jensen, Per
An ab initio calculation of the rovibronic energies of the BH2 molecule
Molecular Physics, 88 (1) :105-124
Becker, Karl Heinz; Geiger, Harald; Wiesen, Peter
Kinetics of the reaction CH + N2 [M]→ Products in the range 10-620 torr and 298-1059 K
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 28 (2) :115-123
G\"unther, Michael; Denk, G.; Feldmann, U.
Modeling and simulating charge sensitive {MOS} circuits
Math. Modelling of Systems, 2 :69--81
Günther, Michael; Denk, Georg; Feldmann, Uwe
Modeling and simulating charge sensitive MOS circuits
Mathematical Modelling of Systems, 2 (1) :69–81
Herausgeber: Taylor & Francis645.
Denk, G; Feldmann, U
Modelling and simulating charge sensitive MOS circuits
Mathematical Modelling of Systems, 2 (1) :69--81
Herausgeber: Taylor \& Francis644.
Günther, Michael; Hoschek, Markus
Modified ROW methods for electric circuit simulation packages
Preprint (1864)
Herausgeber: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt643.
Günther, Michael
Numerical solution of differential-algebraic equations in electric circuit simulation
In Neunzert, Helmut, Editor
Seite 285–294
Herausgeber: Vieweg+ Teubner
Günther, Michael
Numerical solution of differential-algebraic equations in electric circuit simulation
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 94 :285--294
Herausgeber: Vieweg+ Teubner Verlag641.
Denk, Georg; Günther, Michael; Simeon, Bernd
Numerische simulation in chip-design und fahrzeugtechnik
Preprint (1841)
Herausgeber: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt640.
GrÄb, Robert; Günther, Michael; Wever, Utz; Zheng, Qinghua
Optimization of parallel multilevel-Newton algorithms on workstation clusters
In Bougé, Luc and Fraigniaud, Pierre and Mignotte, Anne and Robert, Yves, Editor, Euro-Par96 Parallel ProcessingBand1124ausLecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 91–96
In Bougé, Luc and Fraigniaud, Pierre and Mignotte, Anne and Robert, Yves, Editor
Herausgeber: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
GrÄb, Robert; Günther, Michael; Wever, Utz; Zheng, Qinghua
Optimization of parallel multilevel-Newton algorithms on workstation clusters
In L. Bouge and et al., Editor, Euro-Par'96 Parallel Processing: Second International Euro-Par Conference Lyon, France, August 26--29, 1996 Proceedings, Volume II 2Band1124ausLecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 91--96
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
In L. Bouge and et al., Editor
Herausgeber: Berlin, Springer-Verlag
Jacob, Birgit
Destabilization of infinite-dimensional time-varying systems via dynamical output feedback
, Recent developments in operator theory and its applications (<prt>W</prt>innipeg, <prt>MB</prt>, 1994) Band 87 aus Oper. Theory Adv. Appl.
Seite 193--206
Herausgeber: Birkhäuser, Basel
Bunker, Philip R.; Jensen, Per; Yamaguchi, Yukio; Schaefer, Henry F.
High-level ab initio calculation of the rotation-vibration energies in the c~ 1A1 state of methylene, CH2
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100 (46) :18088-18092
Kolbuszewski, M.; Bunker, Philip R.; Kraemer, Wolfgang P.; Osmann, Gerald; Jensen, Per
An ab initio calculation of the rovibronic energies of the BH\(_{2}\) molecule
Molecular Physics, 88 (1) :105-124
G\"unther, Michael; Rentrop, P.
The {NAND-gate} -- a benchmark for the numerical simulation of digital circuits
In W.~Mathis and P.~Noll, Editor, 2.ITG-Diskussionssitzung ''Neue Anwendungen Theoretischer Konzepte in der Elektrotechnik - mit Gedenksitzung zum 50. Todestag von Wilhelm Cauer'', Seite 27--33
In W.~Mathis and P.~Noll, Editor
Herausgeber: Berlin, VDE-Verlag
Beutel, M.; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Shestakov, Oleg; Fink, Ewald H.
The a1Δ → X3Σ- transitions of PH and PD
Chemical Physics Letters, 249 (3-4) :183-190
Beutel, M.; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Shestakov, Oleg; Fink, Ewald H.
The a1Δ → X3Σ- Transitions of AsH and AsD
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 178 (2) :165-171
Herausgeber: Academic Press632.
Kolbuszewski, M.; Bunker, Philip R.; Kraemer, Wolfgang P.; Osmann, Gerald; Jensen, Per
An ab initio calculation of the rovibronic energies of the BH\(_{2}\) molecule
Molecular Physics, 88 (1) :105-124
Beutel, M.; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Shestakov, Oleg; Fink, Ewald H.
The a\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\)(a2) States of BiCl, BiBr, and BiI
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 175 (1) :48-53
Herausgeber: Academic Press630.
Beutel, M.; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Shestakov, Oleg; Fink, Ewald H.
The a\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\)(a2) → X\(^{3}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{-}\)(X\(_{2}\)1) Transitions of SbH and SbD
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 179 (1) :79-84
Herausgeber: Academic Press629.
Beutel, M.; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Shestakov, Oleg; Fink, Ewald H.
The a\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\)(a2) → X\(^{3}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{-}\)(X\(_{2}\)1) Transitions of SbH and SbD
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 179 (1) :79-84
Herausgeber: Academic Press628.
Beutel, M.; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Shestakov, Oleg; Fink, Ewald H.
The a\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\) → X\(^{3}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{-}\) transitions of PH and PD
Chemical Physics Letters, 249 (3-4) :183-190
Beutel, M.; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Shestakov, Oleg; Fink, Ewald H.
The a\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\) → X\(^{3}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{-}\) transitions of PH and PD
Chemical Physics Letters, 249 (3-4) :183-190
Beutel, M.; Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Shestakov, Oleg; Fink, Ewald H.
The a\(^{1}\)\(\Delta\) → X\(^{3}\)\(\Sigma\)\(^{-}\) Transitions of AsH and AsD
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 178 (2) :165-171
Herausgeber: Academic Press