The famous Black-Scholes equation is an effective model for option pricing. It was named after the pioneers Black, Scholes and Merton who suggested it 1973.
In this research field our aim is the development of effective numerical schemes for solving linear and nonlinear problems arising in the mathematical theory of derivative pricing models.
An option is the right (not the duty) to buy (`call option') or to sell (`put option') an asset (typically a stock or a parcel of shares of a company) for a price E by the expiry date T. European options can only be exercised at the expiration date T. For American options exercise is permitted at any time until the expiry date. The standard approach for the scalar Black-Scholes equation for European (American) options results after a standard transformation in a diffusion equation posed on an bounded (unbounded) domain.
Another problem arises when considering American options (most of the options on stocks are American style). Then one has to compute numerically the solution on a semi-unbounded domain with a free boundary. Usually finite differences or finite elements are used to discretize the equation and artificial boundary conditions are introduced in order to confine the computational domain.
In this research field we want to design and analyze new efficient and robust numerical methods for the solution of highly nonlinear option pricing problems. Doing so, we have to solve adequately the problem of unbounded spatial domains by introducing artificial boundary conditions and show how to incorporate them in a high-order time splitting method.
Nonlinear Black-Scholes equations have been increasingly attracting interest over the last two decades, since they provide more accurate values than the classical linear model by taking into account more realistic assumptions, such as transaction costs, risks from an unprotected portfolio, large investor's preferences or illiquid markets, which may have an impact on the stock price, the volatility, the drift and the option price itself.
Special Interests
- 2001
Klamroth, Kathrin
A reduction result for location problems with polyhedral barriers
European Journal of Operational Research, 130 :486-497
A PDAE model for interconnected linear RLC networks
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 7 (2) :189--203
Herausgeber: Taylor \& Francis1010.
Günther, Michael
A PDAE model for interconnected linear RLC networks
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 7 :189–203
Herausgeber: Taylor & Francis1009.
Heland, Jörg; Kleffmann, Jörg; Kurtenbach, Ralf; Wiesen, Peter
A new instrument to measure gaseous nitrous acid (HONO) in the atmosphere
Environmental Science and Technology, 35 (15) :3207-3212
Heland, J{ö}rg; Kleffmann, J{ö}rg; Kurtenbach, Ralf; Wiesen, Peter
A new instrument to measure gaseous nitrous acid (HONO) in the atmosphere
Environmental Science and Technology, 35 (15) :3207-3212
Heland, J{ö}rg; Kleffmann, J{ö}rg; Kurtenbach, Ralf; Wiesen, Peter
A new instrument to measure gaseous nitrous acid (HONO) in the atmosphere
Environmental Science and Technology, 35 (15) :3207-3212
[english] Korn, Silke; Tausch, Michael W.
A Laboratory Simulation for Coupled Cycles of Photosynthesis and Respiration
Journal of Chemical Education, 78 (9) :1238
Herausgeber: American Chemical Society ({ACS})- 2001--2002
Arnold, A.; Ehrhardt, M.; Rjasanow, S.
Numerik partieller Differential\-gleichungen
Vorlesungsskript, Universität Saarbrücken, WS2001/02
2001--2002- 2001
Setzer, Klaus-Dieter; Fink, Ewald H.; Alekseyev, Aleksey B.; Liebermann, Heinz-Peter; Buenker, Robert J.
Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Electronic States and Spectra of TeH and TeLi
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 206 (2) :181-197
Herausgeber: Academic Press1003.
Ehrhardt, Matthias
Discrete transparent boundary conditions for the Schrödinger equation
Rivista di Mathematica della Universita di Parma, 6 (4) :57–108
Herausgeber: Università di Parma1002.
Houben, S. H. M. J.; Maten, E. J. W.; Maubach, J. M.; Peters, J. M. F.
Novel time-domain methods for free-running oscillators
ECCTD'01 - Proceedings of the 15TH European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Seite III-393 - III-396
Helsinki University of Technology
Freitas Dinis, Carlos M.; Geiger, Harald; Wiesen, Peter
Kinetics of the reactions of OH(X2Π) radicals with 1,3-dioxolane selected dialkoxy methanes
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 3 (14) :2831-2835
Günther, Michael; Rentrop, Peter
PDAE-Netzwerkmodelle in der elektrischen Schaltungssimulation
Herausgeber: Frankfurt999.
Günther, Michael; Hoschek, Markus
Partitionierung Strategies in Circuit Simulation
Günther, Michael
Partielle differential-algebraische Systeme in der numerischen Zeitbereichsanalyse elektrischer Schaltungen
Jacob, Birgit; Partington, Jonathan R.
On the boundedness and continuity of the spectral factorization mapping
SIAM J. Control Optim., 40 (1) :88--106
Denk, Georg; Günther, Michael; Simeon, Bernd
Numerische Simulation in Chip-Design und Fahrzeugtechnik
Klamroth, Kathrin
Planar location problems with line barriers
Optimization, 49 :517-527
Schandl, Bernd; Klamroth, Kathrin; Wiecek, Margaret M.
Norm-based approximation in convex multicriteria programming
In Fleischmann, B. and Lasch, R. and Derigs, U. and Domschke, W. and Rieder, U., Editor, Operations Research Proceedings 2000, Seite 8-13
In Fleischmann, B. and Lasch, R. and Derigs, U. and Domschke, W. and Rieder, U., Editor
Herausgeber: Springer-Verlag
Schandl, Bernd; Klamroth, Kathrin; Wiecek, Margaret M.
Norm-Based Approximation in Bicriteria Programming
Computational Optimization and Applications, 20 (1) :23-42
Günther, Michael; Kvaern{\o}, Anne; Rentrop, Peter
Multirate partitioned runge-kutta methods
BIT Numerical Mathematics, 41 :504--514
Herausgeber: Kluwer Academic Publishers991.
Günther, Michael; Kværno, Anne; Rentrop, Peter
Multirate Partitioned Runge-Kutta Methods
BIT Numerical Mathematics, 41 (3) :504–514
Herausgeber: Springer Netherlands990.
G\"unther, Michael; Kv{\ae}rno, A.; Rentrop, P.
Multirate Partitioned {Runge-Kutta} Methods
BIT, 41 (3) :504--515
Bartel, Andreas
Multirate {ROW} methods of mixed type for circuit simulation
Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop, August 20--23, 2000, Warnemünde, Germany, Seite 241--249
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Günther, Michael
Modelling transmission lines effects in integrated circuits by a mixed system of DAEs and PDEs